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Getting my wits about me was nearly impossible.

"By the way, you have to really teach me how to play the guitar. That's the only way I'll be able to come over here so often without them wondering. Just my luck, my bitchy ass sister will ask me to show off my new skills." I told him.

Sitting in Justin's living room, he picked up a guitar and handed it to me. Too close and feeling the warmth of him, I didn't know how I would focus on learning anything. He began playing a familiar tune that I couldn't place. I marveled at how easily his fingers navigated and plucked away at the guitar strings. He strummed the melody as I searched my memory, trying to place the song. He told me about what my first lesson would entail without ever looking down at his playing. He made it look too easy. He explained in a gentle voice that we would focus on basic cords and add in very simple strumming.

After the first few hand contacts and body brushes, I finally calmed enough to pay attention. I didn't have to admit I was nervous – Justin could tell, he reminded me more than once to breathe. "Ari, don't hold your breath, breathe slowly." His voice remained smooth and even, stroking my nerves until they were completely gone.

"There you go, see, it's not bad." He was encouraging and released his hold on the guitar. "I think you're gonna be picking this up pretty quickly. You're a natural."

"Ya' think?" I chirped with excitement. "I was so nervous my fingers wouldn't get it."

A knock came at the front door and my mood plummeted. It seemed we were always being disturbed. I hoped it was a sales person or one of those Jehovah's dudes. I heard the familiar voice and my heart stopped. I was instantly pissed. I had to contain myself. I took in a deep breath and stood up, pacing a bit. Then I sat back down waving my hands in front of face as if they would help cool me off. Soon enough the voice grew louder and there she was. Nadine. What the fuck?

"Hey, it's Nadine," Justin announced, cheerful. I imagined myself bopping him upside the head. Didn't he get it? Didn't he hear what I said about Nadine liking him? We were supposed to keep our hanging out under wraps. What an idiot. What the hell was she doing here anyway? I wondered, silently fuming. My stomach acids were raging. I composed myself, making like I was out of it, since I was supposed to be sick. I hoped Justin didn't forget about that too.

"Hey, what's up?" I said weakly.

"I just went to your house and your mom said you were over here having a guitar lesson, so I thought I'd come over and check it out," she said, looking around curiously.

"Yeah, well, since I'd blocked this time with him I didn't want to cancel, since it was only for an hour," I attempted to convince her.

Justin chimed in, eliminating the negativity. Nadine's eyes lit up when he began to speak to her. I wanted to slap her upside the head too with the guitar I held in my hands. I reminded myself that she didn't know how I felt about him. She should be the one slapping me around. That guilty feeling crept in again. Ugh, I hated myself. What was I gonna do?

"So, Nadine, do you know how to play any instruments?" he asked.

"I use to take piano lessons ages ago," she answered, smiling. "I know how to read music and I think it would be easy for me to learn."

"Yeah, well that'll make it much easier for you since you have an ear for the notes," Justin nodded his head. He looked over at me and winked. I was afraid to look at Nadine in case she caught that. "So, you interested in lessons?"

I almost passed out when I heard the words hurl out of his mouth. I immediately excused myself and went into the bathroom without looking at him. I didn't shut the door all the way because I wanted to eavesdrop. I could hear him back peddling. He was stammering. Good, I thought, that'll teach him. I laughed silently, triumphant.

The Girl Next Door > jariana (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now