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Justin's eyes danced and a smile peaked at the edges of his mouth as he stood holding the door open for me. I wondered what he was thinking. I was definitely, officially losing my mind. I should be admitted to a psych ward. Every inch of me wanted to hug him but I refrained. I moved to walk past him and he draped his arm around my shoulders, pulling me close. My reaction was instantaneous.

I returned the gesture, wrapping my arms around his waist, not saying a word. Unexpectedly his mother came in the house through the garage door, catching us mid-hug. We awkwardly released each other, putting some room between us. Her expression was warm and her eyes crinkled at the sides when she smiled.

"Ariana, my goodness, it's good to see you," she said, throwing us a sly grin. "Come in here and talk to me. Tell me what you've been up to."

Justin and I shrugged simultaneously. As his mom turned away, I shook my head no, silently pleading with him.

He looked at me sideways, shoving me forward. I sighed deeply, reluctantly walking ahead of him into the kitchen. I sat down on a stool perched next to the counter and nervously swung my legs back and forth. I looked at Justin wide-eyed. I was tongue-tied.

Justin cleared his throat.

"Um, Ariana came over the other day with one of her friends and helped wash my truck," he explained, happily. "Then we got to talking..."

I chimed in. "Yeah, my friend Nadine wanted to meet Justin, so I introduced them." I gulped wondering what else to say, then the words came flying out of my mouth before I realized it. "Mrs. Bieber, I had no idea how awesome Justin's music was. I mean, I knew he liked to play, but the sound coming from your garage was always muffled, you know."

I stopped blathering. I was out of breath. I sat there ready to explode. Justin moved out of my view. Even though he wasn't touching me, I could feel his energy behind me.

"Ariana, you don't have to call me Mrs. Bieber. I'm no longer a Mrs. and I've known you far too long. Pattie will do."

Pattie was a stunningly beautiful woman with long brown hair. I marveled at her eyes. She had the same hazel brown eyes as Justin. Her face showed hardly any signs of her true age, no deep lines and barely any wrinkles. I wondered how old she was. If you didn't look too hard, you'd think she was Justin's older sister.

"Are you kids hungry?" She flipped her hair off her shoulder as she turned toward the fridge.

"Yeah, actually, I am." Justin said. He looked over at me and I shook my head in agreement. "Ari is too."

"Ok, I'll make a pizza. Do you like pepperoni?" she asked me.

I nodded. "Yeah! That sounds yummy."

Justin walked over to a small TV mounted underneath one of the kitchen cabinets and turned it on. Pattie stacked the counter with what appeared to be ingredients for the pizza. I was waiting for a box to come out of the freezer. She quickly explained how bad frozen food was for you.

She schooled us about sodium and the amount used to keep frozen food edible, which was way more than anyone needed for an entire day. She went on – "if you just take some time for preparation, your health is much better in the long run." She preached lightly about organic food, acupuncture and natural remedies for modern day ailments. I sat there, listening – fascinated by this new information.

Justin was trying not to look bored – he'd probably heard it all a thousand. But I asked a plethora of questions and each time I glanced in Justin's direction, he nodded at me approvingly. I was exactly where I wanted to be.

The Girl Next Door > jariana (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now