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Nicole sat at the edge of her bed and tucked her legs up underneath her. She looked like she'd just woken up. She turned taking her nearby laptop into her lap and tapped away. "Gah, I don't know where to start. Grant is so amazing. I totally love him."

She didn't look at me while she talked...and typed.

Tap, tap, tap...

"So you've told each other I love you." I lurched forward shaking her knee so she would look at me. "Shut the front door! Who said it first?"

"Dude, I'm totally and completely head over heels for him and he said it to me first, in so many words, not actually – I love you...but then he came over late one night and spilled his guts." Nicole explained.

"Wow. You guys have been hanging out forever! I'm so happy for you!" Nicole smiled. Her eyes sparkled for only a second. Something else was on her mind. She kept looking down playing with her bracelet. "What's wrong?"

She shrugged. "Besides Grant, it's just this thing with Nadine and my brother. It's kinda weird now, that Nadine is actually seeing him. It's bumming me out. I feel in the middle, then left out, not knowing if she's here to hang with me or Chris."

"If it makes you feel better, this entire thing is killing me. You with Grant, Nadine and Chris...and Justin and me. It's crazy how fast things changed." I remarked with amazement.

"So what about you and Justin, what's he up to?

"I won't see him until Friday, unless I see him late tonight, when he gets back from the studio. How am I going to live without seeing him for weeks when I feel like it's already been a life time?" I wondered out loud, looking at Nicole for enlightenment. She reached out and squeezed my hand.

"It'll be fine, time will go by fast and then you'll be together again. We'll keep you busy," she assured, smiling. "So, Friday, that's when you'll see him huh? Tell me what it's like, with him, has he tried to get in your pants?" Nicole asked eagerly.

"Ha, sadly no, he hasn't, he's been awfully, how should I say it...gentlemanly about it. He hasn't felt me up or anything, really we just kissed, like serious tongue action mind you, for the first time the other night," I said. I sighed deeply and grabbed my chest, collapsing on the bed. "You have no idea how I just want to crawl all over him. I had no idea how revved up you could get, it's all I think about."

"You're telling me!" Nicole agreed, lying back next to me.

We laid there in silence staring at the ceiling and I relived my first kiss for the millionth time.

"If he wanted to do it with you, would you do it?" Nicole whispered.

"Oh my God, I would just die if he asked me or tried anything. I don't think I'm ready for that. I'm scared to death it would hurt and that I'd get pregnant."

I rolled over to face her.

"Yeah, me too." She replied looking at me with a serious expression. "It's different for me though. Grant hasn't done it with anyone else, he's still a virgin," she said pausing. "I'd be nervous if I were you too, I mean, can you imagine how many girls he's been with?"

"I know of two, he's never said anything else about more," I divulged.

"He told you that?" she asked surprised.

"Only after I asked."

"Okay, you have to fill me in! Stop being a hold out!" she exclaimed, sitting up. She brushed the blonde hair from her face. "Spill the beans bitch."

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