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I really thought things with Dump would've blown over. Two days had gone by and I'd sent him a million apologies and a really long heartfelt email explaining myself and promised I'd get my shit together. I'd really meant it. I knew I'd been slacking. I knew I'd been taking way too many of those pills too. I swore to myself that I'd stop and took a stab at it the night before. I'd tossed and turned something fierce, finally giving in to snapping one in half. It didn't really do anything.

I woke up to an empty house and late for school, again. I rushed onto campus just as the bell rang for break. I'd go to the office later after I met up with Ariana.

I felt sick to my stomach.

"Are you okay?" she asked concerned as she walked up to me.

"Not really. This thing with Dump and the band is making me ill, I guess."

"You're perspiring, and it's not hot. Are you sure you're not getting sick?" she said, trying to place her hand on my cheek.

"No," I snapped, and moved her hand away. "I'm fine. I'm just stressed out and I didn't sleep good."

"Fine," Ariana replied, holding her arms in mock surrender. "But you don't look okay."

"I have a headache."

"Here, I have Advil and a Red Bull. These will work." She smiled and dug in her bag taking out a little white bottle and the silver, red and blue can. "Here."

I reached out and tugged her neck toward me, kissing her on the forehead. "Thanks," I said taking the can of Red Bull. "But I think I'll need something a little stronger than Advil."

I reached into my backpack and took out my own bottle of pain pills, popping one in my mouth and washing it down with the insanely sweet energy drink. "There, that should do it."

"What are those?"


"From what?"

"From when I broke my hand."

"Shouldn't you've been done with those by now?" She asked, and more concern painted her face. "I mean you've had your cast off for forever now."

"They help me sleep and take the edge off, you know."

Ariana looked at me like I'd lost my mind. "You take them everyday? Like everyday since you broke your hand?"

"No, not really...look it's no big deal."

She didn't look convinced.

During my last class I didn't pay any attention to the text from my mother, asking me to come straight home after school. She could wait. I had to pick up a new amp and I wanted to grab Ariana when she got out of school. I'd barely made it to the school lot before the bell rang and I waited in my usual spot. I'd sent Ariana a text, but she didn't reply. It wouldn't have been the first time. I spotted Nadine a short while later and she came straight to my truck.

"Hey, have you seen Ari?"

"No, I thought she'd come out with you..."


I bolted home and as soon as I came through the door my heart stopped. Everybody I didn't want to see was gathered in my living room, waiting for me. I looked straight at Dump. "Really?"

"Justin..." Notting said, and stepped forward.

"What the hell is this?" I broke in, looking at my mother. "This is all you, isn't it?"

The Girl Next Door > jariana (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now