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I wanted to scream. I now stood at the shallow end of the pool and stared dumbly at everyone. What the hell was Justin doing here anyway? Nadine waved eagerly for me to get out of the pool, but my feet were stuck to the bottom as if encased in cement.

"Yeah man, Ariana said she'd be over here," Justin explained.

"Hey it's cool," Chris said, awkwardly looking around. "Your girl was teasing me so I had to let her have it."

I wished I were a mind reader. Justin glanced over at me, giving a nod and lop-sided smile. Chris continued with his nonsense and I wanted to punch him. Justin stood there glancing between everyone.

"So, you and Ari, huh?" he asked, snooping – like it was all a lie or something.

I wanted to sink to the bottom of the pool. I pictured myself hurling one of the nearby plastic dog toys at his head.

"Something like that," Justin remarked, validating the rumors.

My head must have exploded. I only heard ringing in my ears. Did I hear him correctly? Searching for Nicole, she'd moved to a lounge, sitting down with a towel up to her mouth to hide her expression. Our eyes met and thankfully I finally felt my feet against the pool's smooth black bottom, though I was practically hyperventilating.

"You got a towel for her?" Justin asked.

"Oh, yeah." Chris readily bolted over, grabbing a fresh towel from a large rattan basket near the fire pit.

Justin stood poolside in all his hotness, holding a towel open for me. I emerged fully clothed, sloshing over to him. His brilliant smile broadened across his face. I was mesmerized and breathless. Awkward silence hovered like the L.A. smog as they all watched us. Nadine came to the rescue, clearing her throat.

"So Justin, did you work out the sitch with the party?" she prodded, moving closer to Chris. She killed me! She was a piece of metal and a good looking guy was the magnet – she was always making moves.

"Yeah, I did. That's why I came over. Nine tonight. Two-thirteen Circle Court, Hermosa."

With a towel draped over my shoulders, for a brief moment I felt at ease. My friends and Justin were all in one neat little box. The fear of Nadine freaking out, whoosh, it was gone and if Justin didn't care about Rachel, neither should I.

I dried myself, rubbing the towel up under my eyes. I knew I looked like a drowned raccoon with mascara melted underneath my eyes like black candle wax.

"So...what are you doing here," I asked softly, surprised that I was embarrassed by his presence.

"I had it out with Rachel and I told everyone to leave."

"So, what does that mean?"

"It means I'll see them later and Rachel will get over it." He wrapped the towel more tightly around my shoulders and gave me a squeeze. "Walk out front with me."

I trembled inside. "I'll be back," I called out.

Justin and Chris exchanged nods.

"So, when you playin' next? I hear you're going on tour soon," Chris asked.

"Yeah, we leave in a couple of weeks, back before school starts," Justin informed.

My stomach sank. He never mentioned he would be gone the entire summer. Chris finally finished ooo'ing and ahhh'ing over Justin's impending tour, while I had a nervous breakdown waiting.


I sulked, leaning against Chris's beat up SUV parked in the driveway. That's one thing I could give Chris, even though his family had money, someone would never guess it with him driving that piece of shit around town. I liked that quality in a guy. Too bad he could be such a jerk. I finally met Justin's gaze and his lips peaked with a smile. I went mushy inside.

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