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I'd never felt completely at ease chilling with a girl as I did with Ari. I'd always felt like I had to be on with other girls. I never gave it any thought until now. I'd come to the conclusion it was some sort of a weird altered ego that took over, but with Ari it simply wasn't there. The hyper-awareness with what I perceived as cool or acceptable for people to know about me wasn't on my mind and I was relaxed in my own skin for the first time.

Ari pretty much knew most things about me, other than the band stuff. She knew I'd lost my father and how screwed up I was about it for a long time. Remembering how she sat quietly off to the side as her mother and brother, Kyle, consoled my mother and me in those early days after the burial. Not that guys don't cry, but I hadn't shed one tear since then.

I wasn't an emotional person, until now.

So I took her face in my hands and kissed her. For a quick second she stiffened, but I didn't let go. I felt her cool hands and arms wrap around my neck. I kissed her softly while I searched for what I should say.

I was lost.

"I'm sorry," I paused for a long moment. I was agitated and fighting my feelings. "I just...I saw Mike...him looking at you the way he looks at girls he's interested in, and then offering you beer, that's his MO you know, get girls drunk to make it easier. I have to tell him about us or he'll keep hitting on you."

"Justin, don't be sorry...and you know... that was totally innocent back there." Ari laughed in earnest.

"No, no it wasn't. I know him. There's nothing innocent about him, trust me."

I was adamant about Mike. He was one of those guys that her sister warned her of. Was I blowing it out of proportion? Was I just being overprotective? I sighed, frustrated, and began pacing again.

"These people don't know my sister, do they? Justin you can't say anything, if my sister finds out I'm coming over here for anything other than guitar lessons...."

Her eyes pleaded with me.

I walked to the door and looked back at her. "Trust me, this'll work itself out. None of them know Allison or Kyle, at least enough to say anything, and to tell you the truth none of them give a shit. But I have to say something to him or he'll keep at you. Everything's a game to Mike."

I turned and called out Nadine's name.

"Why are you calling her in here," she asked anxiously.

Because, I need to talk to Mike without her in my face. I can't have him offering you guy's beer, or anything else for that matter. If my mom were to come home she'd shit herself and my whole gig here would be ruined."

"Justin? Where are you?" Nadine shouted out.

"Back here, in my room, come in here," I shouted out.

Nadine skipped down the hall, stopping all puffed up and doe-eyed, in front of me. "What's going on? Is everything ok?"

"Yeah, just have to take care of something. Stay here."

My adrenaline rushed through me as I approached Mike.

"Hey man, you know I can't have you offering Ari beer, so just cool it. Don't do it again, got it? I'm responsible for her and I don't need her going home with beer breath and her dad coming over here ripping my head off...."

"Damn dude, relax, it wasn't any different than me offering Rachel a beer."

"She's not Rachel, alright?" I snapped, exasperated that he didn't get it.

The Girl Next Door > jariana (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now