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I watched the secondhand slowly move by each number, 1, 2, 3...over and over again. Mr. Chin was way too enthusiastic about chemistry as far as I was concerned. Chemistry to him was the end all. I supposed it had to be if you wanted to teach it. I just wanted to pass, but I was failing miserably. I was also failing miserably with getting over Justin. I watched my pen write his name with little hearts around it for the millionth time. It was nearly unbearable being at school without him.

I was so sick of explaining what happened to everyone and even though I told them exactly what went down, I still heard through the rumor mill that Justin broke up with me because I was causing too many problems for him and his band. In theory I guess it was true. The drug bust was another sprout of rumors.

The bell finally rang inching me closer to the edge of true failure. Even a D was failing in my parent's book. I was moved from attendance probation to academic probation on my school volleyball team, first because of missing too many practices to hang out with Justin and now because of nearly failing Chemistry. I needed to get my grade point average up to a 3.0 and fast.

I waited for almost everyone to leave the class before I got up to beg Mr. Chin for extra credit, anything that would get me to a 3.0. "Um, Mr. Chin. I was wondering if there's anything I can do, like extra credit or something...I..."

"Miss Grande, studying for your tests is the only way to pass this class. Paying attention is the only way to pass this class. I do not offer extra credit. What I will offer you is the chance to turn in your missed classwork due to your recent absences. I will also offer you to retake the lab tests you've just missed," He offered.

"Thank you, Mr. Chin!" I said, cheerfully. "You're a life saver, thanks for giving me another chance."

He looked at me blankly, with barely any emotion. He was completely disinterested with my theatrics, but I was so happy that I didn't care to contain myself.

"I'll have the lab test criteria to you tomorrow. You'll need a lab partner and we'll schedule it right after school next Friday. You'll have a week to turn in your missed assignments and prepare for the lab test."

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" I bowed at him like he was a king, with my books clasped tight to my chest. "Can anyone be my lab partner?"

"I'm not grading them, they'll be there to assist you. Just make sure they know what they're doing." He waved me off without looking at me.

I turned and nearly floated through the classroom, I was so happy. I was beyond relieved and made a mental checklist. I turned out the door and was startled by Mike leaning against the wall. He was waiting for me. Every single school day for the past three months Mike strolled by and met up with me after Chemistry. We'd walk to break together and stand in line to pick out crappy snack food, and everyday I'd see Rachel in the distance. Once she'd even come up and taken our picture. "Say cheese, guys!" She said it was for the yearbook. Great. Mike and I never hung out for long, splitting off as soon as we left the snack line, until I had a crazy idea.

Mike smiled, pointing toward the door I'd just exited. "What gives? I poked my head in and Chin was lecturing you."

I shrugged and sighed. "I'm on volley probation because of my D average and I begged him to give me something to bring up my grade..." I paused. Don't go there, I told myself, but I kept going. "Hey, how'd you do in Chem?"

"I dunno. I guess I did okay. I gotta B."

"Do you still remember all that lab stuff, like what all the vials & canters are for, stuff like that?"

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