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I hadn't been inside of Justin's house in over two years. We walked through the foyer and into the living room. I was shocked by the change. I didn't recognize one thing from years ago. The inside was totally remodeled. Gone was the 60's-ish shag carpet, replaced with dark hardwood floors and the drab gray sofas had been replaced with dark tanned leather ones, they looked expensive and totally plush. A huge TV, the size of a bay window, covered the far wall. And an electronic stereo system stared back at me menacingly.

Note to self: Never Touch That.

The other wall, while once solid, now had windows allowing a view of the pool and backyard. The backyard appeared to be the same. It had always been landscaped like an oasis, with huge banana trees, ivy, and those sweet-smelling gardenia flowers. I loved his backyard-it reminded me of being poolside in Hawaii.

"The computer's in my room," he said, walking ahead of me. "Oh, take the slaps off. Pattie doesn't want us grimming up or scuffing her shit. Like rubber will scuff, but whatever." He shrugged, and a flash of irritation ran across his face.

I stopped just short of the earth-tone runner leading toward the hallway. "Oh, ok," I said, kicking off my flip-flops. "Hey, just curious, why do you call your mom by her name?"

Justin looked at me with hooded eyes and a bent smile. "Because when we're out doing band shit, the last thing I wanna shout out is-Hey Mom-so, naturally." He shrugged. "And at this point, I prefer it."

Walking over the yummy rugs in my bare feet, I could feel why Pattie didn't want them messed up, I sank in an inch they were so deluxe. We continued down the hallway until we reached a door at the end of the hall. Justin had changed rooms. He used to be in the closest room to his mom's; now he was the farthest. The first thing I'd noticed was a French door opened at the other end of the room and it led out to the backyard. A hot tub was just to the right of it. What a guy, I thought. Of course he'd want this room. I would.

"Wow, this is cool. When did you switch rooms?" I said, marveling at how neat everything was. Matt's room was a messy piece of shit compared to this. "I would die to have a hot tub right next to my room." I fawned and turned looking around. "Dude, you have your own bathroom, too!" I walked from one side to the other, scanning every inch of every surface, twirling and landed on his bed, crossing my legs up underneath me. I batted my eyes. "I'll trade you."

"Ha, I'm sure you would," he said, pensively. His eyes locked on mine and my hands went numb. He flashed his perfect smile at me and shook his head. "Is your dad still a hard-ass?"

"Yep, the older I get, the more of a hard-ass he is. My poor guy friends don't even come to the door anymore. They just hang on the corner until I come out." I laughed at the thought. But it wasn't funny. He was way too strict, and because of it, my brother, sister and I always lied to him. "But he loves me, so what can I do?"

"You can't do anything, and I see why he's such a hard-ass." My hands tingled hearing his words.

Was that a compliment? Why would he say it like that? I felt the heat start to rise in my face.

"What?" A smile peaked at the corners of his mouth.

"Nothing." I laughed nervously, shaking my head. My spastic insides were getting the best of me, and I got up to look out into the backyard. Oh my God, I knew he totally caught me staring at him like an idiot. I scrambled to find anything to move me from my embarrassment and turned to face him. "When ya gonna pull up that music?"

"Hello, can't you see I'm booting up my computer?" He replied, playfully and gestured to me. "See, clearly this is why your dad is a hard ass."

Finally, in a more neutral mood I walked over to Justin and bent down, leaning over his shoulder as he pulled up his band website. I was impressed. It was done up professional, just like all the other hot bands out there. There was his picture, as big as life, staring back at me like someone I didn't know. He clicked on the music player and turned up the volume. Unfamiliar sounds streamed out of the speakers; a guitar riff and keyboard melody drifted out over the room. Drumbeats followed, and then a voice, a voice I didn't recognize. I closed my eyes.

The Girl Next Door > jariana (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now