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I must have been hallucinating, because he looked like he was glowing. He didn't have a shirt on and his broad shoulders dominated my vision. I didn't know what to say other than "Hey" and he winked at me. I felt that intense electric surge when I brushed passed him into his room. He stood in silence and his smile spread broad across his face.

"I was wondering when you'd wanna hang again." He beamed and my mouth went dry.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you'd mind. So I thought what the heck, I'd see." I shrugged and sat down on his bed, waving around the movie cases I held. I'd taken them from my brother, Kyle. He and Justin used to be best friends years ago. He would certainly have a lot to say if he knew where I was. "I borrowed these from Kyle."

Justin came and sat down next to me, grabbing the movies out of my hand. I went numb. Really though, what the hell was I doing here? I couldn't take all the questions bouncing around in my head. I'd barely eaten anything since the night before. I had to ask him about his relationship with that girl Rachel 'cause it was eating at me big time, not to mention the feelings that swarmed through me. Yesterday, when I'd first gone to his room, she'd come by and caught a glimpse of me lying on his bed. He made innocent excuses when she gave him a hard time about it. It was obvious that there was something between them...but what?

My gut was telling me that there was more to them than just her crushing on him, as he made it out to be. Oddly enough I wasn't nervous about our impending talk. I would still be his friend no matter what his response. I would still want to come and talk music and have him teach me to play the guitar. At least, that's what I told myself, but with those thoughts came the truth fast behind. I also didn't want to think something was happening between us if it was only happening in my head.

I kept thinking about poor Matt Squire. He had been my main crush for so long, and now this? Matt would be back the next day and I wondered what I would feel for him now that this was going on with Justin. I was completely and utterly confused. Or was I? All I knew was that I loved the way Justin made me feel.

I was fidgety and Justin immediately called me out on my mood. He reached over and grabbed my hand. I was frozen. I wanted curl my fingers around his but I stopped myself. I didn't know which way was up. He finally spoke again, making the mood light and our conversation drifted to the new song he'd wrote. I begged him to play it for me and when he did I wanted to die. The way he looked sitting there strumming his guitar without his shirt on left me speechless. Everything about him was perfect. He was so talented. Finally, our small talk ended and I decided to go for it.

My stomach did cart wheels.

"Justin, I have a question." I breathed deeply, trying not to hyperventilate. "I'm just going to ask, because I don't know how else to do it." I paused for a long moment. Our eyes were locked.

His cheerful expression turned concerned at the seriousness of my tone. He froze, speaking slowly. "Okay."

My heart raced.

I paced back and forth what seemed like a million times and finally Justin grabbed me by the waist and drew me onto his lap. When he touched me it felt like I was plugged into an electrical socket. He held me snug, placing his chin on my shoulder and speaking softly into my ear. His tone was measured. I thought I was going to faint. My heart raced and my hands started to sweat again. I gulped.

"What's up? Something's obviously on your mind."

I closed my eyes. "Do you feel it?" I breathed heavily.

The Girl Next Door > jariana (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now