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Kyle was such a girl. He could never get out of the house like any normal guy. Sitting there for what seemed like fifteen minutes I got fed up and went back into the house shouting his name.

"Are you ready?" I shouted more.

"Yeah, you talk to mom?"

"Yep, she's cool."

On my way back out my sister appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Where you guys going?" Allison asked, with a dry attitude.

"Shopping, like it's any of your business." I snapped, mocking her with her own words.

"I would watch it with the smart ass remarks," she warned.

"Oh, really, what, what are you gonna do? Tell mom and dad about Justin? Well, go ahead, then I'll just have to share how you've been having Owen stay the night right under their nose!" I shouted at her as Kyle stood next to me, listening in horror.

Her eyes flashed with concern, for a brief second. "Oh please, Ari, like they'd believe that desperate attempt." She laughed nervously, looking down at Kyle. "You have no proof, you're just making it up."

"Yeah, well," I paused, I didn't want to blurt it out, but it came out anyway. "Well, they'd believe Kyle, he knows too!"

"Damnit, Ari, don't drag me into this," Kyle begged, backing away from my contaminated dialog.

"Don't be such a puss, Kyle. She's always pushing you around, like she's knows everything. She's just jealous because Justin's hanging out with me, and she's stuck with some second rate wanna be musician who only wishes he was Justin!" I spat, cruelly.

Allison came flying down the stairs with fire in her eyes and I ducked behind Kyle.

"You little bitch!" she shouted, reaching out to strangle me. They stumbled around as Kyle tried to hold her off.

"Allison calm down!" he said shoving her away. I ran into the kitchen.

"You think you're all that? You'll be broken all over the floor when he uses you, or better yet, when you don't cave into him and he dumps you!" she yelled and her words scalded me.

That was it, the dam broke and the tears were flowing down my face. Allison turned, making her way into the kitchen with Kyle right on her tail and I followed slowly.

There was a long silence.

"Oh, come on, you talk like you're all big shit and now this?" said Allison and she laughed in my face. "You're such a baby, Ariana."

"Shut up! Just shut the fuck up already! I hate you and all the bullshit you stand for!" I shrieked. "Do what you want Allison. I don't care. Come on Kyle, let's go."

Kyle and I didn't say a word all the way to the mall and all I could do was sit there sniveling, doing that hiccup-air-snort thing from crying too hard.

Our shopping spree was fast and resolute. Kyle didn't argue with my suggestions and demands, ending up with a pair of black Levi's and a black, subtly printed short sleeve button up. We arrive at the hair salon an hour later and I gave Kyle's name for the wait list and waited patiently for one the hairdressers. The girls in this salon were the edgy, tattooed kind, like the girls who worked at the MAC makeup counter at the department store.

A ghost white girl with tattoos up and down both of her arms walked behind the counter. She had porcelain white skin. The colorful images on her arms were a work of art on a living canvas. The intricate detail I would have thought impossible on skin, but there it was. She opened her mouth and called out Kyle's name and a glint of shiny silver metal caught my eye. She had her tongue pierced. Kyle looked at me to make a move, nudging me. I think he was scared of her.

The Girl Next Door > jariana (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now