Boy of my Dreams

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"Some of you are going to die." I rolled my eyes at my father's prerecorded message. Everyone had to listen to this. It was the same thing over and over again. Some of you are going to die, there's nothing you can do about, don't try to help them once their bit, don't be a hero, blah, blah, blah. I glanced towards the door where my mom was waiting.

"Are you ready?" I looked back at Justin.

"Yeah." I notice Jack's body shaking. "I don't think Jack is though." Everyone in the group look at Jack with sad eyes.

"I just hope he doesn't do anything stupid. It would be horrible to lose him." I nodded in agreement. Jack was like a brother to me. In fact, Gabe, Justin, and Jesse were like my brothers too. Without them I would be lost. They were the only people I talk to in this hell hole.

"Come back safe and good luck. We will be waiting for your successful return." The tv showed my father smiling before it cut off to a black screen. We shuffled towards where we would be exiting. We couldn't go through the main door, it would attract to many biters. My mom pulled me in a strong hug as soon a I got close.

"You have your knife?" I patted my side where the eight inch serated knife was holstered. "Your gun?" I moved to show her where my pistol was strapped to my thigh. "Out don't use that unless you are in deep trouble. Sound attracts them. P-"

"I understand mom." She ran her fingers through my hair, pulling me into a big hug again.

"You stay safe. You stay quiet. And most of all you stay clean. If I lose you Kellin, I don't know what I'd do."

"I've been preparing for this for two years. I'll be fine." She pulled away, wiping the tears that slipped out of her blue eyes.

"You run into someone-"

"I know. Shoot first, ask questions later."

"I love you." I kissed her cheek.

"I love you too mom. Don't worry. I'll be back in time for supper." I walked backwards towards the gates. If I didn't get out now, I think I would get stuck here listening to more lectures. I wave to her and flashed one of my reassuring smiles. I would be back. I'd make sure off it. I heard the guys snickering as I squeezed out the door.

"Bye mommy." Justin teased. I pushed his shoulder lightly.

"Shut up."

"At least your mom comes to the gates. My mom waits at home to hear if I've survived or not." I glance sideways at Jesse who had a sledgehammer clutched in his hands. "She doesn't want to admit I'm out here."

We walked in silence for awhile, running into no geeks. It seemed odd. This path was covered in past people smell and nothing seemed to be looking for its owner. I looked around at the crumpling buildings. It amazing how only two years ago humans were ruling over everything. I jumped when a heard a crow in the distance.

"Is it just me or is it eerily quiet?" I wrapped my arms around my body. It felt like I was getting the chills as Justin's words registered in my mind.

"Biters aren't even this quiet when they're over the wall. Granted there's more but-"

"Shut up." Jesse put a hand up, signaling us to stop. I watch Jack bump into Gabe. He was so lost today. I gulped when I heard the soft groans of the undead.

"It sounds like a herd." Gabe whispered.

"Maybe we can sneak by them." I added hopefully. The others nodded. I gingerly stepped torwards the corner and look over the brick wall. I slammed back when I saw the other side.

"How many?" Justin crouched down next to me.

"Oh, maybe just a hundred. We'll never make it." I hissed. Maybe this run wasn't such a good idea.

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