The Herd

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The door slammed against the wall and successfully woke Vic and I up. Mike rushed over to Vic's side of the bed. He whispered in his brother's ear.

"I'll be right there." Mike left the room. Vic held his face in his hands. We both had just went to sleep maybe a few hours ago.

"What's wrong?" He gave me a tired smile, leaning over to tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Nothing baby. Go back to sleep." He quickly got dressed and left me in the room. Why is it when we seem to have a good run something has to fuck everything up? I pulled on my pants. I had to figure put what's going on. They never let me in on this stuff. I was the 'child' of the group. I had my back against wall so I could listen in.

"They're hitting the south corner really hard. It's going to be a giant herd." I heard Mike explaining. Vic sighed.

"Do we need to move?" I looked at the ground sadly. I liked it here. I didn't want to leave.

"Not exactly. We just need to get a lot of supplies and something to mask our scent."

"Like bleach."

"Yes." They started talking about going on a run. Wait, it was only Mike and Vic in there. Where's Justin? I screamed when I felt a poke to my side. I jump into the view of Vic and Mike. Mike had an amused smile on his face while Vic had his eyebrows drawn together in worry. I glared where Justin was standing with his finger still where it poked my side.

"You fucking dick!"

"It would have been more funny when you were walking downstairs a few seconds ago." He flashed me a smile. He was covering for me for listening in. He handed me one of my shirts. "You dropped this." I pulled the shirt over my head. I nodded to him as thanks.

"We're going on a run today." Mike threw his arm around Justin shoulder and led him upstairs. Vic was holding himself up by the table. As soon as I got close enough, he pulled me into his chest. Everything about him was so......weak.

"Maybe you should stay here." He pushed me away. I could see the anger flash in his eyes. "It just because you're tired."

"No Kellin. I'm coming with you guys." We all spent the next few minutes getting ready to leave. I kept glancing over at Vic. He would nod off and stumble against the wall. Even Mike and Justin noticed Vic wasn't at his best. But he wasn't going to stay home. I took his hand in mine as we started walking into town. Since the town was in the north direction, we totally missed the build up of the undead. I couldn't focus on what was going on around me. I could only look at Vic. He was having trouble putting one foot in front of the other. I shouldn't have pushed him last night.

"There's the store." Mike pointed to the grocery store. He took out the keys and unlocked the doors. We had cleaned out the store and took the keys to lock up. We didn't want any geeks to get in. "We should split up." Vic tried to let go of my hand but I wouldn't let go. He shrugged. I followed him down the aisles.

"Are you going to explain why we're on this run?"

"We need supplies." He lied easily. He knew exactly what I was asking. It wasn't what we needed but why we needed it.

"Why don't you ever tell me the truth?" He ignored me, pretending to read the labels. I knocked the box out of his hands. "I'm not a damn baby Vic! You're doing the same thing my dad use to do."

"I'm trying to protect you."

"By not telling me there is a big fucking herd on the way to the house!" He began rubbing his head. He centered me by grabbing my shoulders.

"I didn't want you to freak out. I want you to have peace of mind." He tilted my chin up. He looked so tired. I just couldn't get over that fact. He was always pretending to be strong but now he didn't even have the strength to do that.

"I will have peace. You have to tell me what's going on though."

"I'm sorry." I was a little surprised by him kissing me. My back hit the shelf and the dropping of a can made me jump out of the kiss. He chuckled. He kissed my jawline lightly. "Can you go find stuff?" I hummed my acknowledgement. "I love you."

"I love you too. See ya in a bit."

"Be careful Kell." He shouted after me as I went to another aisle.

"Yes mom." I mumbled. I went in the direction that Mike and Justin disappeared to, looking down every aisle. Justin was the one who made the lists so I had to check in with him to see what I can get. They were nowhere in sight. Their bags were laying on the ground with little food in them. Mike isn't the type to leave something undone and they were both definitely into women. So sneaking off to do anything was only what Vic and I did. I started slowing down. I didn't feel comfortable. "Justin? Mike?" I came around the last corner to find my friends bound and gagged. I let out a muffled scream when someone covered my mouth, shoving something against my back. I recognized that feeling. It was a gun. I struggled against them until I heard the click of the safety being turned off.

"Shut up or I'll shoot."

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