Steal the Stars

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Vic's P.O.V.

Two days and not a word from Kellin. I found myself getting worried or unconsciously looking out our recently unboarded windows. I was searching for him. In fact I was dreaming of him. Not that I'd admit it. It's completely insane to think that I felt something for him. At least that's what my family is hoping. That somehow I've come to love my 'hero'. They would whisper to each other. Much like they are doing now.

"You know I can hear you." I kept gazing out the window, my arms crossed over my chest. It was almost sunset. It looked like an artist puked all over the sky. My mom came up right next to me.

"You should go find him."

"That means I'm admitting he's right." She rolled her eyes. She handed me a piece of paper. "What's this?"

"A map." She started walking away as I unfold the paper. It was a map that had everything inside the walls. There was a house near the gates that was circled in red ink. "Go see him." I tossed the paper on the chair. I turned back to the window. I wasn't going to admit I need that kid. Sure he made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside but he was the first attractive guy I've seen in, I don't know, a year maybe. It was just hormones.

"But I do wish to see him." I murmured. I glance at the paper then where my mom disappeared. I sighed. I could go out for awhile and possibly walk that way. That way I wasn't seeking him out. I just happened to be in the area. I grabbed my coat, stuffing the paper in my pocket. I reached for the door handle but stopped when someone cleared their throat.

"Where do you thing you're going?" I could hear the amusement in my mom's voice.

"So close." I whispered, turning slowly on my heels. "I was going for a walk." She raised her eyebrows and placed her hands on her hips.

"A walk?"


"Any chance this walk will take you to a certain blue eyes boy's house?" I shrugged nonchalantly.

"A walk can lead anybody anywhere. Going near a certain house is not my plan."


"Whatever. I'll see you later."

"Don't be out too late." I smirked, walking out the door.

"No promises." I watched the sun die the whole time I was walking towards the area where Kellin lived. No one was out in the darkness. But then again, the sirens already rang. Everyone was in their houses. They were pretending like all was well when really they were in danger. If these walls fell, they'd be fucked. None of them really knew how to fight.

"What are you doing here?" I was startled out of my gaze by someone's voice. I turned to find the owner, my pulse quickening when I saw him. Kellin was sitting on the steps, a book in his lap. He smiled at me and walked to where I was standing. "You're being very naughty Vic. No one is allowed out this late."

"Take me to your bedroom and I'll show you how naughty I can be." I was surprised by my own response. Kellin bit his lip, a light shade of red coming to his cheeks. Well this was one of my dreams. My lips on his skin. His lips on my- I cleared my throat. Best not to think about this now.


"What?" He close the gap between us, batting his long dark eyelashes.

"Promise that if I let you in my room, you'll do bad things to me?" I swallowed.

"I thought-"

"I was a virgin? Yeah, nope."

"Oh. O-okay." I took a step back. I motioned towards his book. "What are you reading?" He hid it behind his back.

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