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Vic's P.O.V.

I was startled out of sleep by the walkie talkie admitting a high pitched squeal. I immediately turned it off, laying back against the cold tub. I pulled myself up. I was still sore from running. It felt like every time I took a step, fire rushed up my body. But the pain could wait. It was morning and most of the walkers cleared out of the streets. Only a few that couldn't keep up were left. My stomach growled.

"Oh shut up you." I made sure I had everything before leaving the house. If it wasn't for the world ending I think I would have felt like a normal kid on his way to school. But the world did end. Zombies over ran the cities and people are so in denial about the fact that these things are zombies they give them nicknames. A nickname is not going to make the thing rethink burying its teeth in your throat. In fact, I think it would piss me off more if I was one of those things. I maneuvered my way past the undead. I didn't feel like running and I certainly didn't feel like killing one unless it got too close. A zeke that had been dragging itself along the ground wrapped it's bony fingers around my ankle. "Not even going to buy me dinner?" I yanked my leg from its grasp and continued walking.
I made sure to be observant of my surroundings as I ran the other day. The abandoned donut shop. Check. Phil's Grocery Store. Check. I'd have to bring everyone to search that place. Looks like it has a lot of supplies. I stopped in my tracks.

There was a group of people stacking water inside their car. A small woman, a man, and two young children. One of the kids looks young enough to have been born in this world. I couldn't even imagine that. Only knowing this. Then again, you would have never know what had been lost. I shook the thought out of my head, returning to my walk home. If you can even call these rundown houses homes. It was the people I was traveling with that were my home. Spending time with Mike when we had some down time. I think this has been the most time we have been together without me leaving for school or work. And Justin. Little fucker loves to tease me. To get under my skin and crawl around like a damn pest. He was family now. Also the biggest badass I have ever seen.

Then there was Kellin. I loved waking up next to that boy. The feeling of his lips moving against mine or the way he'd cuddle up to me in his sleep. He was so fragile and it was amazing to me that he even last this long. It probably helped that I was glued to his side. There was no way I was going to lose him. But of course, he worries me. Like the other day in the pharmacy when he tried to play it cool. I know he has nightmares about all this shit. They wake me up every night. He'll just shove them away. Kellin isn't meant to be out here and if I could I would return him inside the walls for his own safety. I would even go in there with him because I knew as long as I was out here, he would always try and come after me. Don't get me wrong. I love him with all my heart but.....he's in danger out here. And if he was to be separated from the group like I am now, I don't think he would survive. Sure I've taught him how to fight a bit it always comes down to whether he uses it in an actual fight. He's my everything. I can't lose my everything.

I heard footsteps behind me. They were faster than anything I've seen moving out here today. I turned slightly only to be knocked over by a body builder zombie. You think the strong ones would survive longer. I screamed out in pain as a sharp pain shot up from my ankle. I landed on it wrong. The biter crawled up my body, chomping its jaws down on air. I put my arm on its throat. It was trying to bite for my face. I shimmied my knife out of its holster and as if know what I was doing, the geek bit down on my shoulder. I lodged my knife in its skull with one final scream, cracking it open, and allowing the blood to pour onto my throat. I pushed the zombie's body off of me.

I couldn't tell if I was bit. The pain was ripping through my body from so many point. My head hitting the concrete, my ankle, my legs, and my arms. I felt like I could move. I couldn't even wipe the blood off of my body. I shakily pulled myself to my feet. Oh god, how I wish I could die. Who knows. I could have the virus spreading to my body as I limped past the pharmacy. I collapsed on my knees if front of the house our group had been staying in. I pulled the walkie from my belt.

"Kellin?" I whispered. My voice was cracking with the lack of water. The last time I had water was before the pharmacy run yesterday.

"Vic? Where are you?" Kellin voice came through the speaker.

"Outside." I heard someone fumble with the doorknob. I dropped the walkie, bending forward to hold myself up with my arms. I don't think I can take much more of this.

"Wait Kellin." Mike stopped the footsteps that were running towards me. I tilted my head up to look at them, falling back on my butt. Kellin was struggling against Justin as Mike search my body. My brother took out his gun. Seems like I taught him well. He pointed it towards me, pain and fear flashing across his face.

"Mike what are you doing?" Kellin tried harder to break free from Justin's arms.

"That's a bite mark." Mike motioned the gun towards my shoulder. I could see the tears building up in his eyes. "Were you bit?" I focused on the pain. I couldn't tell. But when a zeke bites, it always breaks skin. Better to be safe then sorry. I nodded.

"I think so." Mike let out a loud sob.

"God damn it Vic! You were suppose to survive longer than all of us! Fuck!" He wiped his nose with his sleeve.

"No. You can't be bit." Kellin fell to the ground at Justin's feet, crying uncontrollably. Justin just stood there with no emotion playing on his features.

"I can't shoot you. I can't kill my brother."

"Give me the gun." I held my hand out. My brother slowly walked forward, placing the gun in my hand. He pulled me into a hug. I hissed at the slight discomfort but I held back just as tight. He pushed me away, walking a good distance away, and turning his back on me. "I'm sorry Mikey. I love you." I blinked as fast as I could. I didn't want the tears to come pouring out.

"I knew you were always going to die on us you bastard." I laughed as Justin's final attempt at a joke. Kellin came shuffling forward, kneeling down to be level with me. I looked into his wonderful crystal blue eyes, brushing back his soft raven hair to get a better view of his beauty. His flawless pale skin and his petite fragile body that I hadn't claimed as my own. There were tears making twin trails down his cheeks. I was the reason he was crying. I held his face in my hands, brushing away the water on his face. He loosely put his arms around my neck. He shook his head.

"You asshole." My own tears passed my eyes as his lips gently pressed against mine. This was the last kiss I would get from this amazing boy in my arms. I would never fall asleep just to wake up with him still in my arms. Never teasing him until I made him a stuttering mess or feel his cool hands roaming against my chest. None of this ever again. He pulled away slowly, looking into my eyes. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"I love you Kellin." He pulled me in for a short kiss. He rested his forehead against mine.

"I l-love you t-too Vic." His whole body was shaking against mine. I held his hands in mine.

"Please go on living. Don't give up baby. You're stronger than you seem." He gave half laugh, half sob. "Promise me that." He shook his head.

"I don't want to live without you." His voice became desperate.

"Promise me."


"Kellin, promise me."

"I promise." I gave him a small kiss on the cheek.

"Justin." Justin pulled Kellin away as I switched the safety off the gun. Mike was never planning to shoot me. I took a deep breath, raising the gun to my head. Might as well go out with a bang. My finger twitch on the trigger.


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