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Vic's P.O.V.

I sat on the foot of the bed, trying to pull on my boots. The sun had only been up for a few hours. It was time to move on from this place. Even if my ankle was still hurting from yesterday. We had already been in this house for a week and we had to move before Peter found signs of people living here. Kellin shifted on the bed, making a soft little sigh. He quickly shot up.

"Vic?" I turned around to offer him a smile. His face instantly relaxed. "I thought I had dreamt yesterday up and you were still gone." I moved to sit next to him. I propped myself up on my hand that was on the other side of his body.

"No, I'm here." I leaned forward, connecting our lips. He instantly responded. He moved his hand to the back of my neck. His touch was so light. Like I was a figment of his imagination and if he held onto me too harshly, I would break into a million pieces. I felt his lips part slightly and I slipped my tongue in his mouth. I felt him smile. I took his bottom lip between my teeth, earning a small moan. There was a bang on our door.

"No! Stop it!" I heard Mike's voice come from the other side. I laughed, moving away from Kellin. He whined in protest.

"Up, up! Time to gather our stuff."

"You shouldn't be walking on that ankle." I rolled my eyes. I know he was just worried. It was cute.

"We've been here too long." I stood up, straightening out my shirt. I started gathering our stuff. My ankle didn't hurt that bad. It was every so often that I would lean on it wrong. Kellin would shoot me glances every time I would hiss out in pain. I ignored him and continued to pack things in a bag. I snake my arm around his waist as we made out way downstairs. Mike glared at me. I shrugged. It wasn't my fault he was walking by the door. We got as much as we could carry and exited the house.

Peter has only got close to catching us once. That was when we first got out here. We had made the mistake of staying in a house for a week and a half. Now it was we stay in the house for four to five days then leave. But if we saw any sign of more people, we left even quicker. I'm making sure Peter can't finish out his last threat against Kellin.

"You doing okay?" I kissed Kellin's forehead.

"Yeah." I was putting little pressure on my hurt leg as possible. We walked for another hour. I was listening to Mike and Justin talk about who won the most games last night. Mike said he was the winner.

"Me sitting on you makes me overlord." Justin shoved Mike playfully. I heard Kellin giggle and I squeezed his hip where my hand was resting. I could feel his eyes on my face. I glanced down to look at him. He was smiling.

"What are you smiling about?"

"You're so handsome." All the color drained from my face. No one has ever said something like that to me. I pecked his lips. God this kid was adorable.

"You guys make me want to puke." Mike groaned.

"I agree with you there." Justin agreed, pretending to shove his finger down his throat.

"Shut up." Kellin mumbled.

"Settle down children." I ruffled Mike's hair. He shoved me over.

"Mama Vic." I temporarily let Kellin go to mess with my brother. I let a loud laugh bubble past my lips. We hadn't ran into anything yet. I felt like this was a normal day. Well, if it wasn't for the crumpling buildings. After calming down with Mike, I felt a poke to my side. I let out a little yelp. I followed the source of the the poke to find a smiling Kellin.

"So you're ticklish?"

"N-no I'm not." He rushed forward but I caught his hands by the wrist and crashed our lips together. When he pulled away, he was biting his lip shyly. My eyes drifted behind him. There was police station. I pushed past Kellin and made my way up to the door.

"What'd ya find?" Mike slung his arm around my shoulder. I brushed him off, going inside the station. If I remember correctly this will be a good place to stay. I went into one of the back rooms. It had to be around here somewhere.


"What?" Kellin was standing in the doorway. I smiled at him.

"This is salvation. At least for a few days." I pulled the cord, hearing the generator roar to life.

"How did you know this was here?"

"It's a backup generator. When I was running from a herd a year back, I ran into a nearby station. I stumbled around in the dark for hours till I found one of these." I held out my hand for him to take. "Let me show you something." I pulled him past the bunk rooms and into the shower room. I pulled him over to one of the stalls. I flicked the knob, water shooting through the shower head. Kellin jumped out of the way of the stream. He laughed.

"This amazing." He put his hand under the water. He looked like a child that just got a new shiny toy. "It's warm."

"Warm shower!" Mike danced into the room.

"I'm up for it!" Justin high fived with my brother.

"You guys shower. I'll take watch." Kellin grabbed me before I could walk away.

"What about you?"

"I'll take one after." I checked all the doors and windows, coming back to lay on the bench in the locker room. I could hear Mike and Justin whooping and hollering. I smile to myself. I could just imagine Kellin being all shy in one of the stalls. He may not be the most innocent person but he gets shy when I see him in his boxers. I closed my eyes. For one day, we don't have to worry. We could just have as much fun as we were able.

"That was awesome." I sat up as Mike came out with a towel around his waist.

"Yuck! Mike put some pants on." I threw his bag in his hand. Justin ran past me completely naked. I covered my eyes.

"Your turn Vic." I pushed myself up, stumbling over to the doorway. I uncovered my eyes when I opened the door. The blush immediately spread over my cheeks. Kellin was tucking a corner of his towel loosely around his waist. He looked up at me, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear.

"I'm sorry. I'll leave." He walked past me and I grabbed his wrist. I found myself tongue tied. He was right in front of me. The only thing I could think to do was to let go his wrist.

"O-okay." I stuttered. He looked..... disappointed. I groaned as soon as he walked out the door. I missed my one opportunity to have some alone time. I removed all my clothing, stepping into the water. It felt, just like Mike said, awesome. I missed this. I put my hands against the cool tile. I let my head look towards the drain. The water dripping from my hair. I was so absorbed in the feeling of the water that I completely ignored the sound of the door creaking open.

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