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Vic's P.O.V.

Everything in my body went on high alert when Kellin was pulled out of my arms. My eyes landed on a very worn out Mike holding the sick boy. Justin yanked me out of bed.

"I know you said we can't move with him sick but Peter followed us." He grabbed the one bag we had left and disappeared out the doorway. I pulled my boots on, looking over at my brother.

"Did you get the medicine?"

"Yes. It's in my pocket." I looked him up and down for any wounds. I sighed in relief when I didn't find any. My brother was safe. We all made our way out the back down and into an alleyway. Our shoes were crunching against the snow underneath them. We ran for a few minutes until Justin waved his hand.

"I need a break." He put his hands on his knees, trying to breathe deeply. Kellin was wide awake now and was pushing himself out of Mike's. Mike set him on his feet. Kellin then ran to the nearest trashcan. He threw up all he had been able to eat the night before.

"Sorry." Mike whispered.

"It's okay. It just felt like a roller coaster."

"I'm taking it you don't like roller coasters?" The only response Mike got was a gag. I walked over to where Justin was resting.

"What the hell happened?"

"When we were in the pharmacy, a bunch of trucks pulled up. They were planning on cleaning out that place too." He straightened up. "They saw our tracks in the snow." My heart started pounding at that sentence. We were in such a rush that I didn't remember to wipe away our footsteps.

"Mike, grab Kellin. We need to keep moving." A gunshot sound through the air along with Justin's scream. He grabbed his calf where blood was already seeping through his clothing. I threw his arm around my should and we ran. Well, limped. Mike and Kellin were in front of us. They were running along side each other. Two more gunshots caused me to stumble on the ground. I landed on my right side, letting out a little yelp at the pain. Mike pulled Justin into a carrying position as Kellin tried to pull me to my feet. I kept my hand with Kellin's. No one was going to die today. They were my family.

"Vic!" Mike shouted when he came face to face with a herd. Damn those gunshots and damn Peter. I desperately looked around the alleyway. There way a ladder against one of the walls heading to the roof. I pushed Kellin towards it.

"Mike." Mike sent Justin down so he could go first. I pushed my brother to the ladder, watching the herd get closer. I started climbing but felt fingers grab onto my boot. I kicked as hard as I could, feeling the fingers tighten. One of the biters bit down on the toe of my boot and I couldn't stop the laugh that went past my lips as it's teeth were pushed farther into its gums. Like I was just going to wear regular boots. Nope. There is steel in those.

I shook my foot free of the thing's hands. The others were already to the top of the roof. I cringed when a gunshot echoed through the air. The bullet lodged itself in the wall next to the ladder. I looked in the direction the bullet came from. Peter was standing there with a small smirk on his face. He could have hit me and he knew it.

"Fall back!" I watched him and his men run from the herd that had started to run towards them. I pulled myself to the top of the ladder. There was a zeke laying dead on the ground.

"Who killed that?" Mike pointed to where Kellin was puking in a bucket with Justin rubbing his back.

"Kellin did." I hummed, rubbing my side. It hurt and it was wet from where I landed in the snow.

"Is Justin okay?"

"It was just a graze." Justin answered for himself. Mike dug into his pocket. He pulled out a small green plastic bottle. He went to kneel down next to Kellin.

"Come on sicky. Time for medicine." I rubbed my eyes when they started to turn blurry from the distance they were. I stumbled, landing on my knees.

"Vic." I pushed away the person who tried to help me off the ground. A pale hand with a golden ring tilted my face up. I looked into Kellin's brilliant eyes. His cheeks were red with the cold. "Who's blood is it?" I pushed myself to my feet.

"What are you talking about?" I began feeling lightheaded. He put my hand in front of my face. There was blood covering my hand.

"Please tell me you're not bit." Mike begged. I don't think I was bit or scratched. I felt the pain coming from my right side. I must have landed on something. And since my shirt was black, you couldn't notice the blood. Kellin pushed up my shirt, gasping when he saw the wound. It was bleeding profusely.

"You were shot." Justin lifted my shirt up from the back. I shivered at the cold hitting me from both side. I had to forget to put my jacket on.

"I believe so."

"There's no exit wound. The bullets still in there. We have to get it out." I smacked his hands away.

"We have to get somewhere safe."

"This is safe. Now take your shirt off." He tried to pull my shirt over my head. I fell on my butt when I struggled against him.

"You're completely crazy."

"Please Vic." I glanced at Kellin. He had his hands clasped together. He was using his puppy dog eyes. I groaned.

"Just get it over with." Mike helped me onto a blanket he set out. I glared at Justin. "I hope you know I fucking hate you." He chuckled.

"I love you too." It was amazing how I didn't realize I had even been shot. "Hold him down." Kellin held down one of my arms and Mike did the other.

"You don't-" I bit down on my lip when I felt Justin use his knife to open the wound. "Son of a bitch." I tried so hard not to scream. Not to sit up and punch Justin in the face. So when I finally passed out because of the pain, I was sort of happy.

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