Welcome Home

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"Mom?" I pulled the plate out of her hand. She wasn't going to pay attention to me if I didn't sit her down. I pulled her towards the dining room table. "I need your help."

"Oh, um, do you have your father's permission?" I scratched the back of my head. I thought about just saying yes. But I couldn't. This was my fragile little mom.

"That's the thing mom..." Her eyes widened.

"You didn't talk to him. Why are you bringing this to me? Kellin you know I can't go behind his back." I held her hands in mine tightly.

"There's someone in trouble and I need your help."

"Why don't you just ask your father?"

"Because he's sort of the problem."

"My Peter is a good man."

"You're scared of him mom. That's not natural." I sighed, feeling her shaking. "I just need an address."

"Why?" I bit my lip. Why was I doing this? I just met Vic. Sure he had promises of wonderful times, in most likely more, uh, intimate ways but I could get that from someone else. I wanted him though.

"It's my friend." I paused, thinking about my words. "He might be in danger and his family needs to see him. Please mom." I squeezed her hands tighter. She looked at the ground. I knew she had a soft spot for families.

"What do you need?"

"The Fuentes. Where do they live?"

"On the other side of town." I made my way to the doorway. "You know your father is a good man right? He's just under a lot of stress." I glanced back at her.

"Has he ever hurt you mom?"

"Oh god no!" She put a hand over her heart. "He would nev-" she stopped.

"Can't say that anymore." I mumbled, hoping she wouldn't hear. It didn't work out too well.

"He didn't mean it. He loves you."

"Why does he never say it anymore? Hell, he barely even said it before." I played with my hands. "I know I was a mistake. I didn't need to hear you guys argue about it. You told me you weren't suppose to have kids till you were in your thirties. I messed that up." She shot forward and grabbed my face, turning it to look into her eyes. I was glad I looked like her and not my father. My mom had delicate features. My father looked like someone craved his face out of wood with a dull knife.

"You are not a mistake! You are the best thing that happened in my life." I smiled.

"I have to go mom. I'll be home as soon as I can. And mom?" She started to head towards the kitchen, looking back at me.

"Yes sweetie?"

"I need you to keep this a secret from dad."

"Why? Are you doing something bad?"

"Well, not exactly." She pursed her lips. "It's life or death for him."

"Do you like him?" I bit my lip, trying to keep the smile from spreading across my face. Yeah, I like Vic. But I think it was more because he was full of mystery. He tried to hide things along with his feelings. It made me want to talk to him every chance I could get. His looks added to the equation.

"He's just a friend. Vic's a good guy."

"Vic Fuentes?! And they never told his parents?!" She pushed me to the front door. "You go get that boy's parents. This will be a dream come true."

"Bye mom!" I ran a fast as my legs would allow me. They could be doing anything to Vic right now. As I made my way to the other side I realized I had no idea what building they were living in. I tapped the nearest person's shoulder. "Do you know where the Fuentes house is?" The woman pointed at a rundown two story house. I swallowed nervously. Creepy house. Great, this didn't feel enough like a horror movie already with the dead coming back to life.

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