Let's Go to the Mall

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Vic's P.O.V.

"I'm with a bunch of kids." I murmured. Mike and Justin were running around pushing each other. Kellin snuck his hand into mine. I gave him a quick kiss on his temple. Poor kid has barely said a word since we got caught yesterday. I don't think he wanted anyone to know we actually went through with our relationship. When I asked him about it, he said it was private. That he wanted it to just be between the two of us. He got cuter everyday. Like the shy smile he would flash me as we were walking. We needed to find some food to eat.

"What about there?" Justin pointed towards a giant mall. I raised my eyebrow.

"You're kidding right? Haven't you ever seen that zombie movie that takes place in a mall?" He shook his head. I didn't trust being in big enclosed places. That's why I hated the walls. There was so much that could happen and sometimes you can't find a way out. Kellin slowly pulled me in after Mike checked to see if anything is in there. This place made my skin crawl. "I don't like it in here." I panicked, trying to run out of the building. Kellin grabbed my arms. He spun me around to face him.

"It's going to be fine."

"Haven't you noticed that there are barely any biters out lately? That's because they get in big open spaces until the weather clears up." I continued to ramble on. Kellin was nodding, listening to my every word. He wasn't trying to stop me. He was actually holding my hands and rubbing his thumb soothingly over my skin. I closed my eyes. My fear started to slip away. I pulled Kellin forward, resting my lips against his forehead.

"Feel better?"


"Then come on. My dad never let me go to a mall." He skipped off. My eyes followed him with amazement. When Jaime and I had sex, I had a hard time walking for a few days. But this kid was running around like a five year old. Then again, Jaime was my first ever being with a man. "Vic! Come here." I followed the sound of Kellin's voice. It led me into a really weird store with faded bright colors. Kellin was standing by clothes wrack, messing with the metal bars. I looked around the store to see if we were in any danger. I found nothing.

"What did you find?" He flashed a mischievous smile.

"Something fun." He stood on his toes to connect our lips. There was something cold clicked around my wrist. I glanced down. They were handcuffs, attached to the metal bar he had been messing with. He backed out of my reach.

"Handcuffs? Really?" He bit his lip.

"Fun, right?" He disappeared around the corner. I groaned. This was not fun. I struggled against the cuff. I tried slipping my hand through too. He thought of everything though.

"How are you so mobile?"

"Pain meds." I heard his voice come from somewhere inside.

"Please tell me you're not high off your ass." His laugh seemed to echo through the store.

"Nope." He popped the p.

"Then what's up with this?" There was clink against the metal. He appeared next to me, putting another cuff on my other hand. I sighed. This was actually really exciting.

"I like to play Vic." He wrapped his arms around my neck. "And you're my shiny new toy." I swallowed. One moment he was the shyest person I have ever met and then we get alone he's like....this. I don't know how to explain it. I just find myself getting turned on along with my confidence that I use to make him squirm slipping away. "You never answered my promise." He stuck out his bottom lip in a pout. I blinked, confused.

"What promise?"

"The promise that if I let you in my room, you'll do bad things to me." I leaned in next to his ear.

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