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Vic's P.O.V.

I read the label on the box slowly. I could hear someone walk up behind me. Their footsteps were too heavy to be anyone's that I know. Wait, I did know those footsteps. I listened to those footsteps for two days.

"I'm back sweetheart." I hate that voice so much.

"Wonderful to see you Mark." I glared at him. He had that cocky little smirk on his face. The same one when he tried to take advantage of me. "I take it you already have my friends." He unholstered his gun.

"Got your boyfriend too." He glanced down at my hand. "Or shall I say husband?" I started grinding my teeth together.

"You fucking-"

"Watch your mouth." He shoved me against the shelf, knocking off a lot of the cans. He put the gun on my side. "Let's remember who has the leverage." I wanted to tell him to pull the trigger but my mouth remained shut. I told Kellin that I wasn't going to do anything to get myself killed. I had to keep that promise. "You're whipped. Tell me how he got the untamable Vic Fuentes to simmer down." I spit in Mark's face.

"Fuck you."

"Did you get in his pants?" I turned my head away from him, clenching my jaw together. I didn't 'get in his pants'. Everything with Kellin was wonderful. It couldn't be describe with those kind of phrases. "You know, Peter is going to get Kellin to be with me. His body will be in my bed. Drenched in sweat, begging me to move faster." I closed my eyes as he continued with the details. My blood was boiling over. "All this because you couldn't protect him." I snapped at those words, knocking the gun to the floor, and hitting him as hard as I could. When he fell to the ground I straddled his waist. I continued by landing blows to his face. He couldn't even get any hits of his own. No one could talk about Kellin like that. Mark's blood was covering my knuckles. I had to take care of Kellin. Even though it may have been a joke, that wedding still made him my husband. The rings we wear bond us together. No one could change that.

"Vic! Stop!" Kellin's voice broke my rage. My right hand stopped in midair as my left was gripping onto Mark's bloody shirt. The man was crying underneath me. How pathetic. Even at my weakest point that bastard couldn't hurt me. I felt the cool metal of a gun being put on my temple. I bit my tongue before I could say anything I would regret.

"Hands in the air and stand up." I did as I was told. Some other men picked Mark up from the ground, making sure he was okay. He punched me across the cheek. He had firm grip on my jacket as he threw me chest first into the ground. I heard my shirt being ripped apart.

"You'll pay for that you little son of a bitch!" I bit down on my arm when he started using a knife to carve into my back. He would just glide the steel in loops and turns on my skin. He turned my head to look the other way. I saw Mike and Justin with ropes keeping them tied down and they had duct tape over their mouths. My brother wasn't looking towards me. He was look at the ground. Kellin was struggling against two big men, tears pouring down his face. "Did you hear what happen to mommy and daddy?" Mike and I locked eyes. He started to lose his calmness. He was going to break down. Someone ripped the duct tape off of his mouth. "They didn't go easily. Begging, screaming for me to kill them. And-" I turned on Mark, not caring whether I was going to get shot or not.

"I would stop." I glanced where the voice came from. Peter was holding a gun to his son's head. As he and I glared at each other, the pain in my back finally processed. I could feel the blood dragging across my skin. Mark walked over and slung one of his arms around Kellin's shoulder.

"Come on Kelly. Tame your beast."

"I hope he fucking kills you." Kellin received a backhand across the face. I went to run forward but the guns in my face and those of the one's I love stopped me. Mark roughly grabbed Kellin's face.

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