Hope and Love

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Vic's P.O.V.

"What is it you have against me?" I cornered Peter in his study. Everyone went to bed after a very awkward dinner. He gave me a funny look.

"What are you talking about?" He went back to scribbling things on a piece of paper. I walked forward, placing my hands on the desk.

"Is it because I'm the first survivor in a year?"


"I know for a fact that you know this is the only safe zone standing. I recognized your trucks. You went to check on them. You found them all overrun. So why this whole thing of me being a spy?" He cleared his throat, shuffling some of the papers together.

"Aren't you suppose to be tainting my son?"

"Answer the question." He glared up at me.

"You have no right to be making demands."

"What did I do?" He stood up in his chair and slammed his hands on the desk.

"You gave these people hope!"

"What's wrong with hope?" He walked away from his desk, looking out the window behind it.

"They believe they can live outside these walls now. All because you survived two years. You're giving my son hope of getting away."

"Is that why you're beating him down? So he'll be afraid? That's your son!" He turned back to me. He had a different look than usual. Instead of murderous it sort of looked pathetic. He was afraid of something.

"I can't lose Kellin. If I lose him, I lose my wife." Something clicked in my brain.

"You don't even care about him. He's your puppet."

"My son is a disgrace!" He screamed. "Everything would have been perfect without him." I clenched my fist. Kellin wasn't a disgrace. He was a human being. A human being that deserved everything everyone else has. My life wouldn't be perfect without him. He's what is causing it to be perfect. It wasn't that I was in love with him. No, it was his presence. It made everything better. More bearable to stay in this place. Being able to kiss him when I wanted was just a bonus.

I shook my head, walking out of the room. I didn't want to deal with Peter. He was pissing me off. Kellin made my heart race, my body feel warm, and my head spinning. And it pisses me off that I don't understand it at all. I never really had crushes in school. It was always one night stands. I had to focus on my job and keeping my family fed and in a house. If that meant giving up a social life so be it. Mike had to have a normal life. Well, considering the on going zombie apocalypse, as normal as possible. When I tried to walk past Kellin's door, I was pulled in. I fell against the bed. Kellin shut the door behind him.

"What were you and my dad arguing about?" I propped myself up on my elbows.

"It's not important darling." I smirked when I saw the blush spread across his cheeks. It seems pet names are what it takes for him to lose his confidence. He took a few steps forward, placing his hands on my knees. He slowly started moving them up. I grabbed his wrists, preventing him from going up any higher. "What do you think you're doing?" He shrugged innocently. He lowered his lips to my collarbone. He started placing light kisses. My heart started hammering against my chest.

"Why, Vic, are you nervous?" With little effort he pulled one of his hands out of my grip and moved it to my belt. He ran his tongue along my skin to my ear.

"Kellin." He pulled away.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. Sex makes people attached." Kellin pushed back the hair from my face. "Will you at least come to bed with me?" I tensed. Even that little contact could cause my emotions for him to grow. But the way he was was looking at me with that little hopeful spark in his eyes. I nodded, giving in. We got under the covers and cuddled up to each other. It was horrible that I didn't understand my own emotions. I didn't know whether I was leading Kellin on or falling in love with him. All I knew was that I can't stay here. Feeling this trapped was making my mind go crazy. I had to leave, even if it was just for a little while. I will miss Kellin falling asleep in my arms though. Being in love with him wouldn't be that bad.

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