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"Kidnapping?! What the hell kind of charge is that?" I screamed. Vic was glaring daggers at my father.

"Kidnapping is a serious crime." My dad walked circles around Vic. More people were showing up to see what was wrong. I even saw the Fuentes family. My friends were there too. Except Jack. He was a man holding a gun and pointing it at Vic.

"He didn't kidnap me. I went on my own decision. Please let him go."

"You said so yourself Kellin. He 'interested you'. That is all that is in this relationship. A nineteen year old an a seventeen year old. That's taboo." The people around muttered their agreements. It was only two years. And we haven't even done anything. "Did you take advantage of my son?" Vic didn't respond. My dad kicked him in the stomach. "Speak filth."

" a friend. Nothing more." I let my fingers trace my lips. Why was it everytime I got close to him, something had to happen?


"We haven't done anything." I interjected. Jack came over beside me.

"Shut up. We don't want him alive." He whispered.

"I want him alive! Dad you can't kill Vic."

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't." I racked my brains. I didn't even fully realize my feelings Vic yet. I was desperate though. Anything would do right now.

"I'm in love with him!" No sooner had the words slipped out of my mouth had the words registered. That's what I was feeling. I was in love with him. The crowd gasped and I kept my gaze on Vic. He was hiding behind his hair. "He didn't kidnap me. I chose to leave with him. He's the only thing I want to fight for." I thought about everything that was going on. My dad arresting Vic, Jack turning on me, my dad looking like he was going to kill me once the crowds left. More importantly, the way Vic was avoiding my eyes.

"You've obviously been brainwashed. A shock syndrome or something." I shook my head, walking towards Vic. I crouched in front of him. He didn't look up so I put my hand under his chin. The hair fell from his eyes.

"Why won't you look at me?" I whispered.

"Because I don't feel the same way." My heart plummeted. I covered my sadness up by flashing him a small smile.

"Haven't you heard of acting?" I leaned in, closing my eyes and capturing his lips with mine. A shock of electricity traveled through my body. He cupped my face in his hands, having slight trouble with the handcuffs still on. He pulled me closer as I put one of my hands on his chest and the other on his neck. This is what I was missing. The many times we were interrupted, I was missing the best kiss I've had in my entire life. He ran his tongue along my bottom lip but I was pulled out of his grip.

"You son of a bitch!" My dad hit Vic across the face. He turned on his heels, pointing a finger at me. "What were you thinking?! We were worried about you."

"Mom was worried, not you." He glared at me. I remembered that we were surround by people, by my friends. I glanced I've at them. Jesse was holding back Justin and Gabe was glaring at my dad. I smiled. They were on my side. Unlike Jack who was now pointing a gun to Vic's head. "He didn't do anything wrong."

"He took you outside the walls Kellin. He could have killed you."

"But he didn't." My dad placed his pistol against Vic's temple. "If you pull that trigger...." He unclicked the safety as Vic closed his eyes. I started panicking. "You might as well shoot me too." Silence fell over everyone as they waited for their leader to answer. Vic and I locked eyes. He was shaking his head.

"Take Kellin home." My dad didn't remove the gun. I stomped my foot like a child.

"I'm not going anywhere until Vic is free."

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