What Brought That?

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Warning: Slight Smut

I tightened my grip on Vic's shoulders when his tongue ran across my bottom lip. I parted my lips slightly, allowing him entrance. How I wish he would let us take this farther than just making out on my bed. Not that I was complaining. Sometimes Vic would do this really cool thing where he would roll his tongue against mine and it always caused a shiver to go down my spine. I could feel the buttons on my shirt getting popped open. I shuddered as he moved to kiss my neck.

"V-Vic." He hummed, sending vibrations through my body. He rotated his hips into mine. I bit my lip, closing my eyes. My parents weren't in the house but it still felt wrong to vocalize my pleasure. He pushed my shirt out of the way and trailed his hand to the top of my jeans. His fingers were cold against my skin. He unbuttoned my jeans, pulling down the zipper. "What?" He laughed. I found myself getting excited as he bit down on my earlobe.

"Tell me what you want." His voice deepened. I found myself getting nervous. I knew what I wanted. But he would never allow that to happen. He started kissing down my chest, using his hands to pull down my pants to my knees. I propped myself up on my elbows to watch him. He was nipping at my hip bones. He tugged my boxers down, raising an amused eyebrow at my very obvious erection. "Eager?" I blushed.

"W-What are y-y-you doing?" He chuckled.

"How about you find out." He ran his tongue on the underside of my member slowly. I let my head fall back as I tried not to make any noise. "Come on Kell. Let me hear that beautiful voice of yours." His tongue flicked across my tip and I let out a little groan.

"Oh my god!" He took me into his mouth. I tried to buck my hips up but he had a tight grip on them. I moaned as he bobbed his head up and down. I could feel the tightening in my stomach. Suddenly there was a knock at the door.

"Kellin?" My mom's voice came from the other side. I expected Vic to stop but his pace just became slower. He was teasing me. "Are you there sweetheart?" I gripped the sheets.

"Y-yeah. I'm- oh fuck..." I moaned quietly when Vic slowly dragged his teeth along my length. I heard the doorknob jiggle.

"Kellin. Why the hell is the door locked?"

"I'm-I'm, uh, I'm-" I moaned louder. Damn his lips were amazing. He sucked on my tip. My breathing was uneven.

"Are you okay?" Vic took me all in his mouth. I felt myself hit the back of his throat. He laughed but instead it cause a vibration to course through my body.

"I'm-" One final moan and I came in his mouth. He swallowed, pulling away with a small pop. He placed a small kiss on my lips. I looked in his eyes. "I'm fucking perfect." I whispered, running my fingers through his soft brown locks.

"Kellin?!" My mom hit her fist on the door as hard as possible. I pushed Vic off of me and pulled my clothes back on.

"Just a minute mom!" I pushed Vic towards the closet. Before I could shut the door he captured my lips with his. I slowly forgot the reason why I was was hurrying until my mom knocked on the door again. I pushed Vic in the closet. "You are so going to get it." He smirked.

"I can't wait." He winked as I shut the door. I ran to my mirror and fixed my hair and clothes. I unlocked my door, opening it a crack. My mom pushed the door all the way open causing it to bang against the wall. She crossed her arms over her chest and gave me one of those looks. I put on a poker face.

"What? I asked innocently.

"Why did you take so long?" She tapped her foot on the ground. My face burned bright red.

"I-I was busy."

"With what?"

"I, um, was washing up." She pursed her lips, looking over my body.

"You didn't do a very good job. Look, you're sweating." I swear I heard Vic laugh. That son of a bitch. This was so embarrassing. I turned my gaze to the ground. "Where's Vic?"

"He went to see his family." I lied quickly. She nodded.

"Okay. Lunch is almost ready."

"Thanks mom." I smiled as I slowly closed the door. I sigh in relief.

"What's wrong darling?" I looked up to see Vic walking towards me with a cocky smirk on his face.

"You dick." He placed on of his hands on my hip and put the other one by my head, successfully pinning me to the door.

"You liked it." I put my hands on his chest. I could feel his breath against my lips.

"What brought that?" He shrugged.

"The world ended. You're the only person I can have fun with."

"But you won't have sex with me?" He caressed my cheek.

"You don't deserve to be used. But I will give you pleasure." I frowned. I didn't like how those words sounded.

"You're going to leave soon, aren't you?" He nodded. I pulled him forward so our lips connected. I didn't want Vic to leave. I loved him. I let my hands slide up his chest, wrapping around his neck. When we broke apart for air, I search his face. "Take me with you." I whispered against his lips.

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