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Vic's P.O.V.

"How are you feeling?" I brushed the hair away from Kellin's forehead. I used the washcloth to wipe the sweat away. He had gotten the flu when the snow started to fall. I'm too afraid to move him in this condition so we've been in the same house for the two weeks he's been sick.

"I'm hot." He tried to push the covers off of his body. I pulled them back up to his chin. My mom use to do this with me. Try to sweat the fever out. I grabbed the other washcloth and set it against his forehead. So far he's only had a fever, cough, head aches, chills, and tiredness. No vomiting. Thank god. He drifted off again. I rested my head on the bed, still making sure to be sitting in the chair. I hadn't slept in days. Not with Kellin getting worse. I fell asleep for a few minutes until a light knock sounded against the door. Justin peeked through the doorway. When he shook his head, I groaned. Kellin was startled out of his sleep. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing darling. Go back to sleep." I leaned over to place a little kiss on his cheek. I made sure he was asleep before I snuck out of the room. I nodded to Mike and he went in to sit next to Kellin. I made my way over to where Justin was waiting.

"There's no more. The pharmacy was cleaned out. He knows." I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"Peter can't know. We've been so careful these past months." He shrugged.

"That doesn't matter. We can't get Kellin medicine Vic. It's gone and if we don't hurry up, Kellin might be gone too."

"That ridiculous. It's the flu."

"Sure it has all the signs of the flu but we have to remember this is the new string." I hit my head against the wall, resting my forehead against it. "Last winter in the walls, the same flu came around. Kellin managed to avoid but Mike and I didn't. So we built up an immunity. I'm guessing you got sick too." I nodded. It was horrible when I had gotten sick. There was no one to take care of me and I had to keep moving. I pretty much emptied my stomach on every road. But I couldn't stay put. If I had I would have died. Moving Kellin though, was out of the question. His was worst than anybody I've ever seen.

"I can't lose him Justin."

"You and me both." I watch Kellin flip to the other side through the open bedroom door. He had tried to act like it was nothing when he first got sick. He would continue to move and walk. I noticed something wrong when he stopped eating and he would complain that his body was hurting. Now of course Justin and Mike had turned that into a sex joke but we hadn't done anything in awhile. Kellin has been getting weaker. It was scary me so I backed off a little. He was more important than sex.

"I'll go over to the next town."

"Now way." Justin punched me in the shoulder.

"Ow. What was that for?" I rubbed my shoulder, hoping to ease the pain.

"A few day ago you would have blocked me. You're sluggish. You haven't gotten a full nights sleep since we knew for sure Kellin was sick." He placed his arm around my shoulder, moving both o us to stand in the doorway. "Besides, you need to stay with him. Mike and I will go." Mike stood from his spot in the chair. My little brother has grown since we've been out here. It's as if our roles have reversed. Instead of me being worried about him all the time, he is now worried about me. He said he's never seen me so attached to someone outside the family. And I had to agree with him.

"Stay with Kellin. We'll sneak out the back." I hugged my brother.

"You guys be careful." They nodded, disappearing around the corner. I crawl in the bed and pulled Kellin to my chest. He snuggled his head against my neck. He was right. It is hot under the covers. I ran my hand up and down his spine.

"Medicine?" I heard him whisper.

"Not yet."

"Am I going to die?"

"No." I started playing with his hair.

"Good. We still haven't had our zombie wedding." I laughed, hugging him tighter.

"Go to sleep."

"Yes Mama Vic." My eyes kept sliding shut. It was so soft and warm. So comfy being with Kellin right now. I finally lost the battle and drifted into sleep.

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