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Vic's P.O.V.

I ran as fast as I could, keeping a tight grip on the walkie talkie. I ran into a house, slamming the door shut, and locking it behind me. I slid down against the door. Those things could run fast. Not as fast as before thanks to their bodies deteriorating from lack of food. I took deep breaths. All my senses went on red alert when I could smell rotting flesh. My muscles protested as I rose back to my feet. I think I'm done with running for awhile. I pulled out my knife out and slowly made my way upstairs. When the smell started getting worse, I used my sleeve to cover my nose. There was no way in hell that is the smell of something alive. Probably not even the smell of a zombie. That was the smell of something that was left to rot.

I came to the last door down the hall where blood was smeared against the white paint. I pushed the door open, almost vomiting when a saw the scene. There was a body of a male with his skull bashed in laying on the bed with a female holding onto his hand. She had shot herself in the head. I grabbed the note that was on the edge of the bed. It read:

Mom and Dad,
If you are reading this, I have decided to take my own life. I'm very sorry. See on the last run into town Tony was bitten. He begged for me to shot him right then but I couldn't bring myself to. I love him. So I stayed at his bedside until his heart ceased to beat. Even when he came back, I couldn't shot him. He bit me. I had to cave in my husband's head with a lamp. Last night when I said goodnight, that was the reason I wouldn't come into the room. My arm was torn. I hope you forgive me for putting the gun in my mouth. I hope you forgive me that I pulled the trigger. I hope god will let Tony and I into heaven. Please move on from me. Just know that I'm no longer suffering. I'm not hungry or cold. I'm with Tony. I'm happy. I love you guys.
Your loving daughter,

Her name was smeared with blood. I closed my eyes, dropping the note back on the bed. Pulled the sheet over the man who's name I think was Tony and I covered the nameless girl with a blanket. The smell was no longer effecting me. I pulled the door close. That girl gave up everything for the man she loved. There was no doubt in my mind that Kellin would do the same thing. Hell, I would do the same thing for him. It was my job to keep Justin, Mike, and Kellin safe. I went to the next room. There was another two bodies. Same situation. Shot themselves in the head but not before writing something in their own blood.

Katie forgive us

I'm guessing Katie was their daughter and the girl who killed herself. I locked myself in the bathroom across the hall. This whole family was dead because they couldn't live without each other. I pushed the curtain back, seeing a bunch of zekes surround the house. I turned on the walkie, sliding down in the tub.

"Kellin?" The only response I got was static. I was too far way to respond to him. There was no way I would be able to move today. Too many of those things. I let my head fall against the cool stone. I put the speaker near my mouth. "Kellin. I'm sorry I can't come back tonight. I'll see you tomorrow. If I don't make it back...." I paused, blinking away my tears. "I love you Kell. Tell Mikey I love him too. And I know you guys will be okay without me. Don't give up." I set down the walkie. I didn't want Kellin to end up like Katie and her parents. Thinking the only way out of being miserable is to take his own life. I curled up in a ball, feeling my eyes droop shut. That run took a lot out of me.

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