You're My Life Now

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"At least I'm beautiful." Justin glared at Mike. I rolled my eyes. These two were always fighting. Playfully but still fighting. After washing everyone to get all the blood off, we sat down to eat what we found in the break room. Vic nibbled on his food. I was worried. He usually took bigger bites. His eating habit went unnoticed by the others until he pushed away his uneaten food. I frowned. He always talks about never leaving any food.

"You okay?" Vic looked up at his brother, shrugging. I grabbed his hand and started dragging him away from the others. I took him near a display case. I jumped on one of the ledge things to dangle my feet. He put himself between my legs, resting his head on my chest. I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Whatcha thinkin' about?"


"What about me?"

"Just that I've fallen head over heels for you." I smiled, feeling my heart start to race. He moved so we could see each other. He dug around in his pocket. "I have something for you. Hold out your hand and close your eyes." I closed my eyes. He grabbed my right hand and faced it palms up. Then I felt something small and round drop in my hand. It was really cold. He made me close my hand around it. I felt his lips press against mine in a short kiss. When he pulled away, I opened my eyes. He was avoiding my gaze. I took a deep breath. If this was something Vic was really worried about it has to be something important. I held my hand up in front of me. I slowly opened my hand. It was a golden ring with a little 'V' engraved. I noticed something written in the inside.

"I will love you till our hearts cease to beat." I whispered. I glanced up at Vic. This was the sweetest thing ever. "What is this for?" He shrugged.

"It can represent anything you want. I'll be happy if you accept it." Why wouldn't I accept it? He put his hand next to mine. In his there was a same type of ring except there was a 'K'. They were matching. I grabbed the one out of his palm and reached for his left hand. I slid it on his ring finger. His eyes widened but it soon turned into a smile. He did the same for me. I was probably grinning like an idiot. It didn't matter though. This was the happiest I think I've felt. Anytime I'm with Vic is the best moment of my life.

"This means no more suicide missions."


"And you have to make love to me." He laughed, resting his hands on my waist. He moved closer till I could feel his breath on my lips.

"How often?" I pretended to be thinking.

"Every night. Or more."

"I think I can find a way to make that happen." I started playing with his jacket zipper.

"Could this be like, um, no never mind." He searched my face.

"Speak your mind." I laced our fingers together, looking at our rings right next to each other.

"Be like marriage?"

"Marriage?" I wouldn't look back up at him. I kept my eyes on our hands. He had sounded shocked at my question. I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have said anything. Just kept my mouth shut. "Kell? Why are you crying?" One of my tears fell on our hands. I didn't even realized I was crying. I was freaking myself out. He tilted my head up to meet his eyes. He was smiling at me. "It would be my honor to be married to you." He brought our lips together. God I love this man.

"Hear that Mikey! We're going to have a zombie wedding." Justin cheered. Vic went to pull away but kept our lips connected. I was tired of Justin always interrupting these moments. So getting rid of my shyness was one of my top priorities. Then again, Justin wasn't very embarrassed by just walking in on something like this. Vic finished the kiss with a wonderful smile. I jumped when we heard a loud bang on the metal doors. Vic immediately left my side, muttering about find Mike. Justin and I exchanged looks before following him. The two brothers were trying to shut the door as biters were lifting it up.

"They can smell us." Justin grabbed something and began trying to make more blood. "Kellin come here." I came to stand in front of him. He dipped his hands in the blood, smearing it over my body. I squeezed my eyes shut. This was gross. Only insane people would do this. Once he was finished with me, he started putting it on himself. I helped trying to pull down the door.

"Mike first." Vic struggled against the door when Mike let go. We had our backs against the metal as we pushed down on the door. It wasn't working and the door was slowly inching up. I put my hand over Vic's, looking over at him.

"We're going to be okay." He groaned as they started caking the blood on him.

"Back up." Justin and Mike backed a good distance away from the door. "That means you too Kellin." I shook my head.

"You don't know if it will work."

"That's why I need you to back off."

"You promised!"

"I need to open the door." I squeezed his hand.

"Then I'm staying with you." He turned to face the door and I did the same. We yanked the door up. Vic's hand intwined with mine. Zekes walked in, coming straight up to Vic and I. They were sniffing the air. I closed my eyes when one came up to inspect me. Vic started pulling us. I cracked my eyes open when we got to the entrance. Someone slipped their hand in my free one. I turned to see Justin. It's like we were kids on a field trip. We were in a line all holding hands.

"Almost there." Vic whispered. I gasped when something grabbed on my ankle. I looked down at the biter. It looked familiar. My heart stopped.

"Jesse?" I noticed the bracelet around wrist. The same one his girlfriend made for him. I let out a shaky breath, trying not to collapse on the ground. His skin was hanging in pieces, eyes bloodshot. Vic guided me to the exit. I always hoped Jesse had survived. That he ran away from the herd and found another group. I held everything in for as long as I could. Then I lost it. I fell to my knees and started bawling. Vic rubbed circles on my back. He didn't want to hug me with all the blood on us.

"Come on sweetheart." He looped one of his arms under my leg and the other around my shoulders.

"Did you see him?"

"It's not Jesse anymore." It's started off fine today. It was more than fine. But now it became ruined. My friend. He died because we got split up. He became one of those damned things because I made the mistake of letting him go an find food. Vic sat me on the bench in the police station. I didn't even notice we were here. Mike and Justin went to wash themselves off while Vic knelt down in front of me.

"It's my fault."

"No it's not."

"I should have stopped him."

"He would have still gone."

"But I could have tried."

"No Kellin." He cupped my cheek. I closed my eyes, falling into his touch. When the other came out he helped me to the showers. I numbly cleaned myself up. I dressed myself. I waited for Vic to finish before I wrapped my arms around his waist.

"I want to go to bed."

"Okay baby." He helped me to my bed and tucked the covers around me. He even took the spot next to me, brushing his thumb back and forth across my cheek.

"What would you do if Mike died?" He shook his head.

"I would just go numb." I let my arm rest on his waist.

"What if I died?"

"If either of you died, I wouldn't survive. I would rather die than keep living. You're my life now Kellin." I grabbed his hand in both of mine, playing with the golden ring.

"I would still love even if your heart wasn't beating."

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