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"Sleep well?" I smiled to Justin who was sitting at the table. I cleared my throat.

"I slept fine."

"Where's Kellin?" I avoiding meeting Justin's eyes.

"He's still sleeping." He frowned.

"It's not like him to sleep this late."

"Really?" I decided to play dumb. Luckily before Justin could comment on it Mike waltzed into the kitchen. He was playing with his messy hair.

"Calm your tits. Kellin went to sleep pretty late last night." I sat down in the chair closest to the doorway. I bit my lip. Kellin was awake really late. "Speak of the devil." Mike motioned towards the door. Kellin leaned against the doorway, rubbing his eyes. He had an adorable pouty look on his face with his bottom lip sticking out. He reminded me of a child.

"Come sit down." Justin pat the seat right next to him.

"In a minute." When Justin and Mike looked away from Kellin, he limped over to where I was sitting. He sat in my lap and rested his head in the crook of my neck.

"A little sore?" I chuckled. He pulled at the end of my hair.

"For what it's worth, I would do it again tonight." I held his hand in mine, rubbing my thumb along his knuckles.

"Kell?" He hummed. "What does it mean on your calendar when it says my name?"

"The day we met and the day you gave me the ring." He turned my head to look at him. "I always want to remember it. I always want to remember you." I smiled at him.

"You won't have to remember me. I'll always be here with you."

"Good. Because I'm sort of in love with you." I dramatically gasped.

"No way. Me too."

"Okay. Stop being cute." Justin walked out of the room shaking his head. Mike laughed. He leaned back in his chair.

"Try to not make Kellin scream next time. It can wake a person up." Kellin's face turned bright red and he hid his face in my neck. I laughed.

"Why not invest in earplugs?"

"Trust me. I've looked." He drank some of the water from his water bottle. "You guys have been busy these past few months."

"S-stop." Kellin whined. I rubbed my hand up and down his back. I shook my head at my brother. I picked Kellin up in my arms, taking him up the stairs. I set him on the bed. We had to move today. Peter knew what town we were in. I put some pain pills in Kellin's hand along with a water bottle.

"We leaving?" Justin popped in the doorway.

"As soon as we can."

"You feeling okay Kellin?" I turned my back on them as I packed our stuff in a bag. A smile twitched at the corner of my lips.

"I'm-m fine." Kellin stuttered. I sighed when I felt his arms circle around my waist. "Do you ever just relax?"

"I will when we get as far away as possible." I turned in his arms. "I can't let your father get ahold of you. So the wedding will have to wait awhile." He smiled, kissing me lightly.

"I could wait forever for you." I kissed his forehead.

"Come on."

"It still hurts." He stuck out his bottom lip. "Piggy back ride." I think it was meant to be a question but it came out more as a demand. I put the backpack on his back. I knelt down, waiting for him to jump on my back.

"If we run into anything, I'm dropping you and you're bait." He giggled as he climbed on my back.

"You're so good to me."

"Better fucking be." He wrapped his arms around my neck. I hooked my arms around his knees and stood up with a little stumble. He put his head against my neck.

"Away on adventures." He mumbled quietly. I could hear his small yawn. I made my way downstairs. He's so adorable. This boy would be the death of me.

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