I Have to See Him

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"Let me see him!" My dad had just walked through the door. I hadn't seen Vic in a day and it was really starting to worry me. Who knows what they could be doing to him.

"Kellin....." He threw his coat on the little peg. "He's a random guy. Why do you care so much about him?"

"He saved my life. He's probably scared. He doesn't like feeling trapped."

"I don't think he's scared." He took off the sun glasses he had been wearing revealing a nasty black eye. I silently cheered in my head. My dad deserved it. My gaze went to his bloody knuckles.

"What did you do to him?"

"What did I do to him?!" I stood my ground as his voice raised. My mom peeked around the doorway, watching us. "I'm your father. You should be worried about me than some boy you just met!"

"I told him I'd keep him safe."

"What did you do with him?" I was confused.


"Did you have sex with him?"

"No! What would make you think that?!" He shrugged dramatically.

"I don't know. Taking a little dick might make you get attached." My mouth dropped.

"Maybe I don't want to leave him with a murderous asshole like y-" I was cut off by his fist slamming into my cheek at full force, knocking me to the ground.

"Peter!" My mom ran to my side. I closed my eyes, willing the tears away as I held my cheek. My dad knelt in front of me.

"Kellin. I'm so sorry." I smacked away his hand as he tried to touch my face. I scrambled to my feet and ran to my room. I slammed the door shut. I felt like a child. I felt weak. I crawled into my bed.

My dad had never hit me before. He never layed a hand on my mom too. He always talked about how he was disgusted by people who put a hand on their own child in any way. I know this was a spur of the moment kind of thing but I always saw the potential for him to do this in the deepest part of his eyes. It came from the twitch of his hands or how he always brutally killed a zombie when he had all the time in the world.

"Kellin." I heard his voice as he opened the door without permission. "I didn't mean it. It's just that I have a lot on my shoulders." I turned around facing him.

"So is this what's going to happen now?" He took a few steps forward.

"What do you mean?" I felt the tears in my eyes. This was a stupid thing to be crying about. Some families would be begging for this kind of attention rather than the cold shoulder.

"Are you going to have a stressful day then come home and take it out on us? Everytime I decided to open my mouth, should I just expect your fist to shut it? Better yet. I should just wait at the door when you come home. Let you take it all out on me there."

"I swear this will never happen again." I searched his face. It was a total lie and we both knew it.

"Don't make promises you can't keep. Isn't that what you always tell me?" He threw his hands up.

"You promised that boy that you would be with him. You d-"

"It's because you are being a dick!" I sat up on the edge of my bed. I saw his right hand curl into a fist. "I would be there with him right now if you didn't put me on house arrest!"

"You're under house arrest for a reason!"


"Because you can't get attached to him!" He closed the gap between us and roughly grabbed my face. "He's the type that will fuck you then leave! He is not to be trusted." I pulled out of his grip, rubbing where I felt his fingers bruising me.

"Maybe it's because no one has given him the time of day. He's been on his own for a year and a half. He has to have some trust issues. Vic is a human. He has a heart beat. I've felt it. He bleeds. I'm sure you know that." I motioned towards his bloody knuckles. "He just needs time."

"Why are you putting so much faith in him? He's already too far gone." I shook my head, remembering the way his eyes looked down on me before he knew I was awake. They had so much care and worry in them. The way he was leaning down for his lips to meet mine.

"Because I've seen someone you haven't." I brushed my fingertips along my lips. "He's different and I guess it excites me to be near him."

"Then you'll get over it." I grabbed his arm before he could leave. His gaze stayed on my cheek. The cheek he hit. It was probably bruising already. I gave him puppy eyes. "You can see him tomorrow." A smile broke out across my face as he left. I let myself fall back on the bed with a loud sigh. I felt so tired. I think I'm just going to close my eyes for thirty minutes.

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