I'll Keep You Safe

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I was startled awake as I felt something being draped over my body. I cracked my eyes open a little. Vic was looking down at me before reaching a hand forward. He stopped, his hand hovering over my cheek. He sighed and curled his fingers into a fist.

"Are you going to keep staring at me?" He jumped, falling on his butt.

"I-I'm sorry." I propped myself on my elbows and rubbed my eyes. I don't even remember falling asleep. I looked around the room. Everyone else was asleep.

"S'okay. How long have I been out?"

"Couple hours." I noted the bags that were under his beautiful swirled brown eyes.

"Have you slept?" He shook his head. "Why?"

"I don't feel comfortable with other people here. It makes me feel ...." He glanced at the fireplace on the other side of the room. "Like I'm in danger."

"I take it you haven't been around the best people."

"People are what make me feel unsafe. I stay away from them at all costs."

"What made you change your mind for us?" He looked into my eyes.

"You did." My heart started to beat faster in my chest. "Most people always look out for themselves but you saved that guy. Your friend or whatever. It, I don't know, irritated me?"

"Irritated you?" I raised an eyebrow. I think he was confusing his feelings.

"I guess." His gaze traveled to the floor.

"Vic?" He started picking at the wooden floors. "What's your last name?"

"That's not important."

"But it may be." He froze, staring at his hands. "Do you have parents named Vivian and Victor?" He ignored me. I could hear the sound of his teeth grinding together. "Do you have a little brother named M-"

"Don't you dare say his name!" Vic slammed his fist against the floor but thankfully didn't wake anyone up. "My family is dead." I scoffed.

"How would I know their names if they were dead?"

"They're dead to me. I'm never going to see them again." I put my hand on top of his.

"What if I told you they were alive and I know them?" He pulled his hand away and glared at me.

"I would say if you ever mention my name to them or their names to me, you and your friends can leave now."

"What?" I made it so I was facing him. "Vic. They're alive. Don't you want to see them?"

"Stop saying my name." He closed his eyes, running a hand through his long dark hair.




"Shut up."

"Vic." I let out a little yelp as he pinned me to the floor.


"No. You need to stop being afraid."

"You have a lot of talk for someone who could be dead right now." I tried to push up against him.

"Kellin." His eyebrows drew together in confusion.


"That's my name. Kellin." He searched my face. I pushed against him again. He may not look it but he's strong. "Can you kill me now?" He laughed. I felt chills go down my body. That laugh was so, dark.

"What makes you think that knowing your name will change my mind?" I swallowed nervously. I felt like I was as small as a mouse under him. "I could snap your neck without even thinking."

"Then do it." He smirked at me before getting up.

"Get some rest." I stood up in front of him, trying to look intimidating when I was shaking. He covered his real personality so well. I had saw what he truly was before he knew I was awake. He was caring but confused. Vic just had to be around more people.

"I-" I was cut of by the sound of gunshots in the distance. Gabe shot up in his little make-shift bed.

"What the hell was that?" He looked at the covers that fell on his lap. "Who put a blanket on me?" I glanced at Vic. He shook his head.

"It was that one." He pointed towards Jack. Another gun shot echoed through the air. Vic ran towards the stairs and I followed him. We came to a small balcony where you could look out over the abandoned city. I saw a military truck.

"Dad!" Vic covered my mouth with his hand just in time for a fimiliar face to whip around.

"Kellin!" I pulled away from Vic. "Are you okay?!" He stabbed a biter that ran towards him.

"I'm fine. So is everyone else. What are you doing here?"

"Your mother was worried. Sent out a search party." Vic grabbed my arm, lining his lips with my ear.

"Your dad is going to attract every fucking thing in the city with his yelling."

"I'm sorry. Are you going to let him in?"

"Hell no."

"Then you can deal with it." He raised an eyebrow. I had to stop myself from laughing. He looked shocked at my boldness. I glanced down at his lips then back at his eyes. I was so distracted by the sight of him leaning closer to me that it surprised me when he was yanked away. Jim, one of my dad's right hand men, had Vic's arms pinned behind his back. He hit Vic on the back of knees causing him to fall on the ground with a loud groan. My dad took out his gun and put it against Vic's temple.

"No! Dad!" Mark held me back. I looked at Vic. He was glaring at everyone.

"Don't tease me. Pull the fucking trigger." My dad clicked off the safety.

"Dad, stop. He saved us." My dad turned his gaze to me but never removed the gun. "I would be dead I it wasn't for Vic." He raised his eyebrow.

"Vic? Vivian and Victor's missing son?" Vic hid behind his hair. "He'll be in quarantine." His head snapped up and he started to struggle against Jim's grip.

"No way. I'm not going with you." He looked scared. I want to comfort him. I wanted to finish what he was going to do before we were interrupted. I watched them haul him away and into the truck. Vic was kicking the whole way. They blindfolded him. "Like I've never seen your big fucking wall." I bit my lip. I could hear the sarcasm dripping from his voice. I sat next to him.

"Are you okay?" Everyone in the truck gave me a weird look. Even my friends. I place a hand on Vic's knee, feeling him tense. He leaned closer. I felt his head on my shoulder.

"I don't want to go there." He whispered. I heard his voice shaking. "Kellin. I don't like feeling trapped." I smiled. He finally used my name. It made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

"I'll be with you."

"No you won't." I glared at my dad. He was sitting in the passenger seat, looking back at me.

"I will." I whispered against his ear. I saw the walls come into view. I saw home. "I'll keep you safe."

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