Merry Christmas

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Vic's P.O.V.

Warning: Slight Smut

My hand shot forward to latch onto someone's wrist. I opened my eyes to see Kellin smiling down at me. He looked healthier. That confused me considering the last time I saw him, he was stuck in bed with the flu.

"You're awake." I observed my surroundings. We were in what seemed to be a master bedroom. This wasn't the same as I remembered. I rubbed my face. My head hurt so much.

"Where are we? What happened?" I tried to sit up but groaned. My side felt like it was on fire. Kellin pushed me back down on the bed.

"You don't remember getting shot by my dad?" I glanced down at my side, noticing the white bandage taped down on the area near my ribs.

"The last thing I remember is you being sick."

"I'm much better. Only have a little cough." He moved my hair out of my face. "You've been out for two days."


"Yeah. We were stuck on a roof for a few hours until Mike broke open the door. He carried you to the house we're in now." I put my hand against Kellin's forehead, checking to see if his fever is still there. There was nothing. "You lost a lot of blood. We were afraid you weren't going to make it."

"Can't get rid of me that easily." He laughed.

"I'm glad." Before Kellin could lean in to kiss me, Mike burst through the doors. He pulled me into a bruising hug.

"Ow. Mikey."

"I'm sorry." He backed away.

"I was teasing you." I noticed Justin walk in with a limp in his step. "What happened?"

"Just a graze. You took the real damage." My eyebrows drew together. "When you came back to help me, that's when you got hit."

"Oh." I yawned. I had been asleep for two fucking days. How in the world could impossibly be tired?

"You should get some rest." Kellin placed a kiss on my forehead. "Merry Christmas Vic." I hummed, trying to keep my eyes open. I knew exactly how he knew it was Christmas. He's been keeping a calendar in one of the pockets of the backpack. He has certain days that are special. Our birthdays, his mom's birthday, and two dates that are just circled 'Vic'. I have yet to figure out their meaning. I couldn't exactly bring it up. He's tried to keep that thing hidden the whole time we've been out here. I was ripped from my sleep by a door closing. I guess I did fall asleep.

"Kellin?" I couldn't see anything with it being so dark in the room.

"Yeah." I felt him sit on the edge of the bed.

"What time is it?"

"Time to be asleep." I reached out towards his voice. I ran my fingers across the smooth skin of his cheek.

"I'm so glad you're better."

"The same to you." He used his fingertips to find my lips. I heard the bed creak, feeling his lips pressed firmly against mine. I moved to cup his cheek. He pinned my wrist to the pillow. "Touch me and I'll stop." His hand disappeared as the bed shifted.

"W-what?" The only response I got was him slowly pulling down my pants. I moaned as he wasted no time taking all of my member in his mouth. I covered my mouth. I couldn't wake up the others. I made the mistake of brushing my hand against his hair and he pulled away.

"I told you I'd stop." He hoisted his body above me. Sure I couldn't see it but I could certainly feel the heat radiating off. I wanted nothing more than to run my hands down his body. He removed my hand from my mouth. He brushed his lips against mine. I wonder if lifting my head up to close the gap would count as me touching him. I did it anyways, feeling him smile into the kiss. He pulled away with my bottom lip between his teeth. I really wish I could see his face. I just know he had that little mischievous twinkle in his eyes. His nails lightly dragged across my chest, purposely missing the bandage. "Tell me what you're thinking."

"I'm thinking you're a fucking tease." He giggled.

"Tease? I can stop." I shook my head. "Thought so. I would continue this but....I'm afraid I'm going to hurt you." I shuddered at his words. I put my hands on his knees. He was straddling my waist.

"I don't think I would mind."

"Good." I bit down on my fist when he slid onto me. He made a small little whimper and I wanted nothing more than to comfort him. He pinned my arms to my side. "Don't." He shifted slightly. He felt amazing. He started moving. I moaned quietly.

"K-kel. Please." He released my arms. Ignoring the pain in my side, I sat up and connected our lips. He framed my face with his hands. He rolled his hips causing me to press my fingers on his waist. I was probably bruising him. He moved to bite little spots on my neck. I sighed when he nipped at my collarbone. I flipped him so his back was against the mattress. He laughed.

"Fuck I love you." I held myself above him. I was in control now.

"How much?" I slowly started to move against him, earning small gasps.

"A-a l-l-lot."

"How much is a lot?" I began picking up my pace. He gripped my shoulders tightly. He didn't answer me.

"Harder, Vic." I stopped. He whined.

"How much is a lot?"

"It's a fucking lot okay?!" His legs squeezed tighter around my waist. I thrust into him as hard as I could. He was biting down on my shoulder to keep quiet. "Oh my fuck." He tried to whisper but it came out more as a yell. Every hit to those bundle of nerves made him let out a scream. His body was shaking against mine. It wasn't going to be that much long. He came with out me even touching him. I felt his whole body tighten and I lost myself with a grunt. We were both trying to catch our breath.

"I love you." I placed a small kiss on his lips before laying down next to him. He made a little groan when I left. I rubbed my side. It was a little pain but still annoying as shit.

"How are you feeling?" He rested his head against my shoulder, pulling the covers over our bodies.

"I'm feeling fantastic. Merry Christmas Kellin." He giggled.

"A Merry Christmas indeed."

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