Under Water

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Warning: Slight Smut

I was crazy. I was acting on an impulse. I closed the door behind me, turning the lock. I took a deep breath. Suddenly it felt really awkward being in just a towel. I turned the corner and pressed myself back against the wall. I shouldn't be freaking out. This isn't the first time I've done this. But lately I've lost my cool around Vic. Him flirting with me makes me start shaking. I don't understand why.

I tip toed around the corner. Vic was leaning with his hands against the wall, looking down at the ground. His face was hidden from view by his wet hair. He looked amazing. The water rolling his tan skin. I heard him laugh.

"You going to sit there and stare?" I pulled on a strand of my hair. I walked to stand in front of him. He kept his back to me. My eyes traveled to his butt. It looked good even without his jeans.

"I wasn't planning on it." I tried to play it off as nonchalant as possible.

"What were you planning?" He turned around, crossing his arms over his chest. I swallowed nervously. I did everything to keep my gaze on his face.

"I,um-" The corners of his lips twitched into a smile. It wasn't really a smile. It was more of a teasing smirk. "I- you know what, fuck it." I put my hand on the back of his head and pulled him into a kiss. I felt him smile as his lips moved against mine. The water cascaded over both of us. The cold tile hit my shoulders. What happen to that little stuttering mess that let go off my wrist awhile ago? He was ray of confidence. I tangled my fingers in his hair. He tugged lightly on the wet towel around my waist. "Take it off already." He chuckled.

"I think no."

"I think that if you don't take advantage of me now, I'll kill you." I sighed when he bit down on my collarbone. I stopped him from kneeling down. "No. I want you to feel pleasure with me." His confidence faltered for a few seconds.

"Kellin." I let my hand travel down his chest.

"I will get on my knees and beg." I nipped at his jawline. "Please Vic." He tilted my chin up.

"What if I die tomorrow?" I smiled. Not at the thought of him dying. No, I would be devastated.

"I want to know how much you love me." The towel fell to the ground, leaving me completely exposed. I giggle. He was lightly biting down on certain places on my neck.

"Hold on." He lowered us on to the tile, placing himself between my legs. As soon as my back hit the tile I arched it, my chest meeting with Vic's lips. I let out a loud groan. He put a finger to my lips. "You have to be quiet."

"That wouldn't be any fun." He cupped my cheek, leaning over to kiss me. I never thought I would be this happy. I always had it in my mind I would suffer behind those damned walls. That wasn't the case. Though having sex on a shower room floor wasn't the way I imagined Vic and I's first time. It was kind of perfect. The way his hands slide across my chest. It was even better with the water falling onto both of us.

He went back to my neck. He was really dragging this on. I let my hand follow down his spine, committing all the small scars to memory. I wanted to remember everything. Especially if something were to happen. My nails dragged across his skin when I finally felt him enter me. It didn't hurt that bad thanks to the water. His head fell into the crook of my neck with a moan. I know he was trying be gentle. He waited for me to adjust. I grabbed his face, bringing his lips to mine. I bit down on his lip when he started to move. He broke the kiss and looked down on me.

"T-this is-" I moaned when he slammed back into me. I closed my eyes. "So wonderful...." He let out a breathy laugh. I pushed my hips up to meet his thrusts, letting out small moans.

"You feel amazing." I wrapped my legs around waist. This was nothing I've ever felt before. Vic moving against me, kissing me in a way I've only ever heard about in fairy tales. My nails broke skin and I screamed out when he hit that one spot. He covered my mouth with his hand.

"Vic f-faster." He did as I ask, still making pleasure shot through my body. I moved my hand to his back where the hot water was still hitting against his skin. I think it might just be me but it's increasingly getting hotter in here. His hand wrapped around my member, moving it in time with his movements. "F-f-fuck." He placed his other hand by the side of my head. He kiss me as softly as possible. I knew my finish would come any second now. But I wanted to last longer. "C-close..." He quickened his pace. I was trying so hard not to scream out as everything he was doing was shocking my body. I came with a shudder.

"Shit." He groaned. I felt Vic empty inside me. The sleepiness washed over my body as it went limp. "No Kels. Get up." He pulled the both of us to our feet. He pulled me under the stream. Everything about right now was perfect. I pulled him into a sloppy kiss.

"I love you."

"I love you too. But this can't show you how much I love you. It's just a little piece I can give." He cleared his throat, a red tint coming his cheeks.

"We should go."

"Oh, yeah." He scratched the back of his head. I turned off the water as he rubbed a towel against his hair. He wrapped the towel around his waist. I got another towel, mimicking his actions. I was surprised when I turned to find Vic watching me.

"What?" He smiled.

"Nothing. Have I told you how beautiful you are?" I made my way to the door and tried to hide my face. I felt like it was going to burst into flames. Vic's hand stopped me from opening the door. I moved to face him. He gave me a short kiss. "You're adorable." He opened the door so we both could leave. I got dressed as quickly as possible. Vic is the only person I want to see me naked. I had trouble even showering with Mike and Justin. Vic pulled his pants right when his brother and Justin walked in.

"Kellin, where did you go?" Mike came to stand in front of me, hands on his hips. I glanced at Vic. He shrugged.

"I went to go change somewhere else." I didn't want them to know just yet. I would be so embarrassed.

"For fifteen minutes?" I heard Vic's quiet snicker. I bit my lip. I was about to reply when Justin interrupted.

"Whoa Vic. What happened to your back?" He calmly played it off.

"I don't know." My jaw dropped at the damage I caused. There was little beads of blood lining the scratch marks. They were pretty much drag marks. Vic pulled a shirt over his head, hiding the the marks from view.

"Dude, it looks like someone clawed-" Justin looked between the two of us. "Really guys?!"

"What?" Mike was completely clueless.

"Which stall did you do it in?"

"You guys had sex?!" Vic started laughing.

"Whatever. I'm tired and going to rest." I dismissed them to go to the bunk beds.

"That's because you had sex! In the fucking shower! I need bleach!" Justin continued to freak out, Vic continued that beautiful laugh, and Mike soon joined into the laughing. I crawled into one of the beds. I may not be embarrassed but I think it's because this was the best day ever.

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