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I sighed, looking at my small makeshift calendar. It's almost been a year since I've been out here. It's been exactly a year since I met Vic. I hid the calendar under my pillow when I felt his arms wrapped around my waist.

"I can't see?" I shook my head. He ran his fingers along my jaw to turned my face to his. He capture my lips with his. I put my hand on his chest. His heartbeat. That heartbeat I fall asleep to or felt with mine when our bodies were pressed together. He was everything right now. Vic and our small little family. So far, we haven't been separated again. We were for maybe a few hours but that's it. No more suicide missions for anyone, no going into areas where anyone felt uncomfortable, and we were a whole state over from my dad. We've been living in the same house for a whole month and nothing has gone wrong. It's perfect. "I have something to show you."


"Mm-hmm. But it requires going outside so you need some clothes." I made a dramatic groan, falling back on the bed. I propped myself on my elbows to watch Vic start getting dressed. Every time I see him I always wonder what I did to deserve a guy who looked like that. Who treated me so well. He pulled on his pants, throwing me an award winning smile. He was absolutely amazing. I'm so lucky I'm the one who caught his eye. I finally started to get dressed when he disappeared out the door. It wasn't that I was shy about being naked in front of him. I mean, why exactly would I? Vic always distracted me. He waltzed back in the room.

"So where-" He silenced me with a short kiss.

"Mike and Justin are still sleeping. Got to be quiet."

"I'm never quiet." I teased. Something sparked in his eyes. He shook his head.

"No. Not today." He grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the house. Since the house in hidden in a forest the fallen golden and brown leaves were covering the ground. The noise of us stepping on the leaves made me cringe. It was so noisy. A snap of a twig could attract the undead. It didn't seem like Vic really cared though. He seemed set on the task he had in mind. I bit my lip. He is so handsome. He stopped in the middle of a clearing with a blanket set info the middle. I couldn't help the smile that broke across my face.

"What is this?"

"Something for the most beautiful boy in my life." He sat down on the blanket and pulled me down with him. My back was to his chest as his arms wrapped around my shoulders. He nuzzled his head against mine. "You know, it's been a year."

"How d-"

"You should find a new hiding spot. Under your pillow isn't the best." I turned on him and pinned him to the ground. My knees were digging into the blanket on either sides of his body.

"You know what? You're a jerk." He smirked, balancing his weight on his elbows to make our lips centimeters apart.

"And you're pretty hot when you're angry." He covered my mouth with his hand. "But for a few minutes I want you to be completely silent." I rolled my eyes. Sometimes he made no sense and he was so weird. I looked at our surroundings. It actually appeared as if everything was normal. No zombies. No murderous people. I heard the sound of a bird. It wasn't a crow. It was an actual bird. One that sings it's tune in the morning. I could almost start crying. I haven't heard a bird in so long. "You talk about this in your sleep." I was so overwhelmed that I covered my mouth with both of my hands.

"I can't believe you did this. It's so- You're so-" I could even finish my sentence. He sat up and I pulled him into a hug. "Thank you." His hand rubbed my back.

"Anything for you darling."

"Aren't you worried about anything getting to us?"

"Nope. I made sure we won't be interrupted." I raised an eyebrow, giving him a weird look.
"I feel like you're implying something." He laughed.

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