The Past

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Vic's P.O.V.

*2 years before outbreak*

"Vic!" I ran into the living room where my mom was holding onto my brother. She pointed towards the tv. She was watching a news broadcast that was showing a person eating another person alive. I snatched the remote from the table and hit the power off button.

"I told you not to watch that stuff."

"We weren't. It came on all channels." I had to force myself to breath.

"It's getting worst." I whispered, turning towards the bedroom. My dad was laying under the covers. I put my hand on his forehead. His fever is going down. "We need to get out of here."

"I can't drive." He started coughing. I bit my lip. I never learned how to drive even though I am seventeen. Mom and Mike were out of the question too.

"I can try. We need to get to the buses. I need to get you to safety." He tucked a piece of hair behind my ear.

"When did you grow up?" I frowned.

"It doesn't matter. I don't want Mike growing up." I held my father's hands in my own. "He can't live in this world, dad. We've been here for a week since this virus started. This the last call to the safe zones. I can't live knowing you died because I didn't act." He groaned, trying to get out of bed. "Take it easy. Lean on me." I slung his arm over my shoulder.

"Vic." I tried picking him up. He was too heavy. "I'm just going slow you down. Get your mom and-"

"No! Family sticks together. That means everyone no matter what." I dragged us into the living room.

"Go get the car." I set him on the couch where my mom was comforting Mike. I ran outside quickly with the keys jiggling in my hand. When I got in the car, I looked at the steeling wheel.

"I really hope this is as easy as it looks in movies." I sighed and put the key in the ignition. After a few minutes of confusion I pulled up in front of the house. My mom and Mike came out carrying my dad. Mike hoped in the passenger seat with me. I saw him shaking.

"You can go now." I looked back at my mom.

"You sure?"

"I got everything I need. We need." I drove with the directions that were given on the broadcast. I had to find the buses. This was my family. I put my hand on Mike's knee.

"We're going to be all right Mikey." I smiled at him. "We'll survive this together." I glanced, seeing tears forming in his eyes.

"What if we lose you Vic?"

"You're not."

"I can't live without my brother."

"You're not going to lose me!" I stopped the car in front of the buses. "I'm not dying anytime soon." We were escorted out of the car by men in masks. They checked over my mom and Mike. When they came to my dad, they looked at each other.

"Kill him." I jumped in front of him protectively.

"No! It's just a fever."

"Move out of the way kid." The man switch off the safety on his gun.

"No please. He has no bites and no scratches. He just has a fever. Check his symptoms. He isn't going to become one of those things."

"Move aside." Two more people grabbed me by the arms and tried to pull me away.


"Wait." The man lowered a gun as a woman in a lab coat walked in. The tears pooled down my cheeks. The men were still holding me by the elbows. "He's not infected. An infant could see that. Put them on the bus." I brushed off the men and hugged her.

"Thank you so much."

"Get off." She pushed me off. "Hurry up to the bus." We started makin our way to where people were being loaded when we heard the screaming.

"We've been overrun. Everyone evacuate!" A woman came over the intercom. Everyone shoved on the bus. The bus driver stopped our group.

"We don't have room." He scratched his beard. I looked over my shoulder as soldiers disappeared around the corner. I walked closer to him.

"I need you to take my family. It would only be three more people." He looked inside the bus then over at my shoulder. "Please."

"Hurry." I let out a breath of relief. He climb up in his seat. My mom helped my dad sit down in the aisle. Mike walk up the stairs, turning to look back when I didn't follow him.

"Vic?" I gave him a sad smile and a little wave.

"It's kind of like your first day of school. I can't come." His eyes widened. "Take care of mom and dad." The bus driver closed the door before Mike could run out.

"No! Let me out. Vic! Please. I can't do this without you." He was crying. I put my hand up against the door as he mirror the same thing. "Don't leave me!"

"I'll get back to you Mikey." The bus drove off, taking my family with them. "I promise."

I ran for months. I had tried to get into many of the safe zones but I was always denied. I didn't even know which zone they were in. I didn't even say their names. What if they died? I was currently in a store trying to get some can of food. I heard the click of the safety going off on a gun.

"Turn around." A man's voice came from behind. My hand shot to my knife. "If you grab that, you're signing your death wish."

"I'm not giving it up."

"I didn't say anything like that. Turn around." I slowly turned on my heels. He looked about my age with spiked blown back hair. He put the gun back in his holster, offering his hand afterwards. I narrowed my eyes. "I'm Jaime."

"Vic." I ignored his hand. He raised his eyebrow.

"Rude." He looked around. "You alone?"

"No." He smirked.

"That was too quick. So you are alone?" I locked my jaw.

"Yes and I'd like to keep it that way."

"Aw. Don't be mean Vic." I cringed as he put his arm around shoulders.

"Stop." He leaned down grabbing the basket with my food in it and led us to his truck. "I don't want to go with you."

"Come on Vic. Let's be friends."

"Stop using my name."

"Why? Someone use to call you that." I turned in his arms.

"That wasn't you. So stop." Jaime leaned over and kissed me. I shoved him away. "What the hell?!"

"Shush. You're going to attract the Zekes." I looked at him with wide eyes.

"Why did you do that?" He shrugged.

"You gave me a gay vibe."

"Are you even gay?" He smirked, pushing me against the door of his vehicle.

"No. But I'll take what I can find." He put his hand on the back of my neck and crashed our lips together. I pushed against his chest but gave up. I haven't done anything for awhile and right now, Jaime was rubbing against me. I couldn't think straight. I let him push me in the back of his truck. I let him do anything he wanted with me as I did the same with him.

In the morning, I left him. After a couple months by myself, I saw him in a new group. They had got swarmed by a herd and never made it out alive. I had to put him out of his misery. That was the last time I stayed with anyone. Everytime I saw another group, I ran as far away as I could until I got where I am now. A little house with boarded windows and a steel door. But then I saw that kid with amazing blue eyes and his friends. I wanted to let him in. Even if it was just for a little while.

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