The Torture Room

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I paced around the small metal room they put me in. That man, Peter, was a total dick. He was convinced I was a spy for on one the other safe zones. Little did he know, this was the last one standing. All the others have burned. Besides being a spy didn't sound too appealing. Since they shoved me in this room, I've refused to talk. Even when they hit me over and over again. I refused their food and the medical attention to my side that was now aching. I was washed and given clean clothes. They even cut my hair to my shoulders.

"You gonna talk yet?" I glance at the man who walked in the door. Jim. He was the man that held me as a gun was put to my head. I ignored him. His accent was annoying. Southern was why it sounded like. Nothing against people southern accents but this guy was an asshole. I continued walking the length of the metal bed. "You can get out if ya talk." I glared at him. So fucking annoying.

These people didn't exactly get the hint that I wasn't going to talk. Putting effort to clean me up was pointless considering I got the feeling they were going to kill me. I looked at the little two way panel. I wish I could see them. It was only a reflection of a man I didn't recognize.

It's been forever since I've seen my own reflection. I was skinnier but stronger. I had more muscles on my arms. I looked like a fucking body builder skeleton. All the dirt was wiped from my body making me look paler than usual. I was still tan though. Thank god something was the same. Everything else looked, well, older. I was only nineteen. Everything pointed towards me being in my late twenties.

"You going to keep staring at yourself?" Mark walked towards me with a tray of food. He dropped on the little bedside table, keeping a close eye on me the whole time. I raised an amused eyebrow. Even since I fought back, they treat me like I'm the most dangerous person on the planet. "Eat."

"Why botha? He's not gonna eat it." Everytime Jim opens his mouth all I hear is 'I'm stupid'. Zero intelligence in that empty head.

"Boss' orders. Apparently Kellin got attached to him." I stopped in my tracks. That kid. He made my heart beat faster and it becomes harder to breath. Mark took a few steps closer to me. "Ah... You got a thing for Peter's kid." I narrowed my eyes. I didn't not have a 'thing' for him. He was attractive and we were in a fucking apocalypse. That was the only thing I had to worry about. Not family. And definitely not a boyfriend. "Did you have some alone time with him? How was he? Seems like a vocal person." I clenched my teeth, grinding them together. I was staring at the ground. You can't just say that about him. Kel- That boy was a good person. He didn't deserve this. "Cute kid. Seems like a nice-" I swung towards his face. He dodged.

"Found your weakness."

"You also found mine." Peter came through the door, a murderous gaze pointed at Mark. He practically had Mark cowering in fear.

"I'm sorry Boss. I d-didn't mean it. Just trying to get info."

"Of course." Peter put his hands behind his back, trying to look professional. I noticed his tense body. "Leave us." Jim and Mark left. I caught the nasty looks they were shooting my direction. "You didn't do anything with my son, did you?" Almost making the mistake of kissing him didn't count. I shook my head. He nodded, looking at the ground. "That's good. He wants to see you tomorrow."

He wants to see me? I swallowed, feeling my pulse quicken. Peter sat at the metal table and motioned towards the seat across from him. I groaned but took the spot. I was so sore and my side hurt like hell. What did I do to make him like me? It made no sense. I threatened to kill him. He should be begging for me to get shot in the face. Those eyes though. They reminded me of the ocean after a stormy day. They made my heart melt. And I hated that feeling.

"We can have my medic take a look at that." I shook my head, leaning back in my seat. I started tapping my fingers on the cool silver metal. "Do you want to see him?" I watched my finger go up and down. I really shouldn't but the thought of seeing K- the kid again was too important to pass up. I shrugged. "Take your shirt off." I narrowed my eyes. Peter made his way to stand in front of me, pinning me to the chair. I smirked at the shinier that I left on his eye. "Off. Now." When I didn't do as he asked, he pulled the white shirt over my head. "I know you can speak. So come on, tell me what's going on out there." He flicked my side and I bit down on my tongue. "Mark!"

"Yeah Boss."

"Let's show Vic here a good time." Mark threw a bundle of knives on the table with a loud crash. I laughed. That was all he has. My laughed earned a smack across the face. "What are you laughing at?" Mark tied my arms to the chair then my legs.

"Mess up that pretty little face so bad, your parents won't be able to identify you." I frowned. Sure I'm glad that they haven't me to my parents. Imagine that. They'll find out I'm alive and I'll just have to leave again. I couldn't stay here. I would just be a hazard. They are living without me just fine. It can stay that way.

"We can't do anything to him physically. Kellin will see tomorrow." Peter walked towards the door, looking back at the last second. "Don't take it easy on him Mark." My eyes widen as I looked back at Mark. He was undoing his belt.

"My pleasure. Let's have a little fun Vic." He leaned in, kissing my neck.

"I'm going to kill you." I whispered, struggling in the chair.

"Not until I'm done with you."

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