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"Justin. Jesse. I need to talk to you guys." I ran up to where my friends were. They were on the porch of Gabe's house. "Where's Gabe?"

"He's upstairs. You okay?" Justin pat the spot next to him. I took the seat on the stairs.

"Yeah. I'm just rushed." I looked over the both of them. I tilted my head to the side. "Do you guys like being in the walls?" They exchanged looks. Jesse moved a little closer to me.

"Not really. Is your dad putting you up to this?" I scoffed.

"No way. Asshole tried to kill the guy I like." Justin put his hand on my knee.

"Why are you asking us all this?"

"I-" I paused, turning my gaze to my hands. "I'm leaving soon."

"What?!" Jesse's jaw dropped.

"Is your dad going to let you do that?" I laughed nervously, scratching the back of my head.

"That's the thing. He won't know."

"You're crazy." The slamming of a door startled me. I turned, finding Gabe looking at me with wide eyes. "He will always find you Kellin. And he is you father. You can't leave family."

"He doesn't care about me." I mumbled. Gabe came to sit on the side that wasn't occupied by Justin.

"He does."

"It doesn't matter. I'm getting out of here." He threw his hands up in the air.

"And what about your mom?"

"I'm going to ask her to come with me." I started playing with my hands. "That's what I came to ask you guys."

"I can't." Gabe answered immediately. "Not with my sister being ill." I nodded. I understood why. Jesse shrugged.

"I can come."

"Me too." Justin added. "Anything to get out of here." I jumped up, clapping my hands together.

"Come to my house before sun set. We are going to meet up with Vic after at his house. I have to go." I glanced at Gabe. "I'm going to miss you." He smiled sadly at me.

"We'll say our goodbyes tonight." I waved then ran as quickly as I could home. I swung the door open to be met with my father. He raised his eyebrow and I felt fear course through my veins.

"Why in such a hurry?" I swallowed.

"N-no reason." He grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me inside.

"Where have you been?"

"I w-was with friends." His eyes scanned behind me.

"Where's Vic?"

"With his family." He shoved me up against the wall, twisting my arm. I cried out quietly.

"Why isn't he here?"

"I thought he could go to his family." He twisted my arm more and I was brought to my knees. The pain was like fire through my arm.

"You thought wrong."

"Peter." My dad released his grip when my mom called out. I cradled my arm to my chest. My mom walked around the corner, drying a plate with a towel.

"Mom! I need to talk to you." I scrambled off the floor, pulling my mom in the kitchen. My dad followed. "Alone. I need to speak to you alone." He kissed my mom on the cheek.

"I'll be at work." I waited for the sound of the front door closing before I decided to speak.

"I'm leaving." My mom burst out laughing. I waited for her to calm down. "And I want you to come with me." She frowned, all humor draining from her face.

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