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"Vic!" I sat up quickly. I was back in my old room. I ran to the window, throwing the curtains back. I was back inside the walls. My hands searched over my body. I was wearing my pajamas and my hair was short again. I felt my breathing pick up. I was started to freak myself out. I ran to my calendar that was hanging on the wall. The year said 2016. It was two days after I went on the run with my friends. It was suppose to be 2017. I spent a year with Vic. I looked at my left hand. There was no ring.

"No! This can't be happening!" My dad barged through the door.

"Kellin what's wrong?" I backed myself in a corner to get away from him. Concern was etched into his face. He reached a hand forward.

"Don't touch me!" I hugged my knees to my chest. "Where's Vic?"


"My husband." He grabbed my shoulders.

"Kellin. What are you talking about?" I became unsure of myself when I could hear clear confusion in his voice. "You've been out for two days. We loss Jesse and Justin on the run. I thought I lost you." I shrunk away from his hand brushing against my cheek. I couldn't have imagined that whole year.

"I want to see Vic."

"Vic Fuentes?" I nodded. I felt a little relieved that he knew what I was talking about. "He went missing when the virus started." The panic started through my body again.

"What about his brother Mike?"

"Both of the Fuentes boys went missing that day." My dad helped me out of the corner. "Get dressed. Let's get you some fresh air." I went about putting day clothes on after my dad left the room. Vic couldn't be a figment of my imagination. Everything felt so real. And by everything, I mean everything. Like right now if I close my eyes, I can imagine his arms snaking around my waist as he kisses up my neck. But I guess all of that was just me.

"Kellin. Sweetie." I turned to find my mom in the doorway. "Your dad had to leave but he still wants you to get out." I nodded. I could use those opportunity to find out if this is just a dream. The first place I ran was Gabe's house. I knocked on the door until he open and peeked through the crack.

"I can't come out Kellin. My mom. She's really sick. I'm glad to see you're okay though." He looked up and down my body. "I'll see you later okay." He closed the door. I ran to where the Fuentes live. I did everything to see if anyone was inside. I slid down against the door, holding my head in my hands. I would have to be insane to dream all of this up. I ran towards the door where we escaped out of the walls.

"No!" I brushed every part of the metal. There was no door. No way to get out. I searched the bushes where Vic had thrown my jacket. I was never able to get it back. There was nothing.

"Kellin?" My dad began dragging me back to the house. The sun was already setting. I spent all day trying to find something that told me it was real. That everything I felt, that I still feel, wasn't a fantasy based on a picture hanging by the main door. I picked at the food on my plate. My whole body felt numb.

"Please eat something Kellin." My eyes drifted up to look at my mom. She hadn't had a full conversation with me all day. In fact it seems like she's avoiding me on purpose. I set my fork back in its rightful place. I wasn't hungry. My body was. Mentally I knew if I ate anything it would just be thrown back up. My nerves were shot. The last time I saw Vic, he was hurt. Really bad too. His back was slashed and he wasn't even at his best anyways. Mike and Justin were tied up. At least, I think they were. I couldn't tell what's real. Was I dreaming now? Was I sleeping in our house in the woods? I pinched my arm.


"Why did you do that?" My mom smack my hand. I blinked, seeing a tear land on my hand. I wasn't sleeping. "Baby boy." I pushed away from the table and ran up to my room. I hid under my covers. I tried to muffle my crying by putting my face in the pillow. Someone sat on the edge of the bed right next to me. The covers were pulled away from my face. I pulled my mom into a hug and cried into her neck. "You want to tell me what's going on?"

"I want Vic. I want to go home to him. I want my ring back." I sighed, falling back on the bed. She probably had no idea what I was talking about. Everything tumbled out of my mouth. Spending a year with him, hanging out with all of my friends, Vic giving me the rings, that stupid joke wedding, and even the more intimate times we had together.

"Vic means a lot to you." I nodded.

"But he doesn't exist. So it doesn't matter. I'm just going to be miserable." I turned my back to her. I snuggled into the covers. My mom disappeared for a few minutes until reappearing. I pretended to be asleep.

"I hope this helps." She whispered. The room darkened when she closed the door. I searched where I heard a little clink against the wood. My hand closed around something cold. I recognized it immediately. I let out a small sob.

"I knew you were real." I put my ring back on my finger. I kept running my finger across the carved in 'V'. They tried to lie to me. All except my mom. I wanted this to be over.

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