Almost There

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"Kellin." My dad shook my shoulder, knocking me out of my dream. I shot up quickly. Today was the day I was going to see Vic. "Eager much?"

"Out!" I pushed him towards the door. "I have to get dressed." I slammed the door in his shocked face and ran towards my dresser. I looked at my clothes. They seemed boring. I sighed and threw on a pair of skinnies and a plain black tshirt. I grabbed my jacket, throwing it over my body and rushing to the front door. I may be a little excited. I wanted to see if he was okay.

"You ready?" I smiled at my dad.

"More than I have ever been." The whole ride to wherever they were keeping Vic seemed to last forever. I was bouncing my leg quickly. It was insane how nervous I was. It was just Vic. A guy i barely know. The guy I almost kissed. I let my fingers brush against my lips again. It's amazing what this guy did to my stomach. And my heart.

As soon as I saw the building where we kept the quarantines, I jumped out of the moving vehicle. I ran to the door and a drunk looking Jim answered. Hell he always looks drunk. He raised an eyebrow but let me in. My gaze turned to the two way window. I could see Vic. He was sitting in a chair, elbows on the table, and his face in his hands. I reach towards the handle but Mark smacked my hand.

"I would be careful if I were you. Boy has a bite." Jim laughed.

"Yah, a bite on you."

"Shut the fuck up." Mark hit him upside the head. I noticed the bruise Mark was sporting on his jaw. I bit my lip, hiding my smile. Vic was a fighter. I quickly opened the door and ran inside. They were starting to get on my nerves. Vic made no movement to move from his position. I sat in the chair across from him, reaching a hand forward.

"Vic?" He stood up quickly, knocking his chair to the ground. He looked at me with wide eyes. He opened his mouth then closed it. He glance at the window. I sighed, going over to the window and knocking on the glass.

"What?" My dad's voice came over the intercom. I rolled my eyes.

"Privacy. Please."


"Please." The switch flipped so we could see them but they couldn't see us. I looked above the glass and saw the small light was still green. "Audio too." The light turned red. I smiled. I turned around and jumped when I made contact with Vic's chest. His fingers brushed against my cheek. The one that my dad hit.

"What happened?" I looked at the ground.

"I had a disagreement."

"So your father hit you across the face? You don't deserve that." I gave him a weird look.

"You were going to kill me."

"That was an empty threat. I won't really kill someone who did nothing to me." His gaze shifted to the window and I took this time to really study his face. He was gorgeous. It didn't even matter if he was clean or dirty. I could always see how handsome he truly was. He deep chocolate eyes with hair to complement. His flawless creamy tan skin. I looked away when he turned back to me. I felt the heat coming to my face as he raised an eyebrow. I cleared my throat.


"So." I looked at the tray that was on the bedside table. None of the food had been touched.

"You're not eating?" He shook his head. "Do you know how incredibly stupid you are?"

"Excuse me?"

"I am-" Vic put his hand over my mouth. I glanced at the small light, seeing it was green. "Dad!" The light switched to red again. I was so mad at him. "Why aren't you talking to them?"

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