Chapter 33: I'll be..... Your lolli, if you be my pop.

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We arrived at the hosptial.

Docotr: The bullet isn't too deep.

Sarah: Will I have a huge scar?

Doctor: Nope. Now we're going to put you under.

I nodded and they put the mask onver my face and I slowly took deep breaths. I slowly started to go under. Then blackness.

---- Starting to Wake.

I fluttered my eyes open due to the fact my leg hurt. I saw Erin, Christian, and Justin. I smiled and groaned. They all smiled and looked at me.

Sarah: Aaaaaaaaayy guys. How long ya been here?

Erin: You were in surgery for about and hour and a half.

Sarah: How long have I been out of surgery?

Erin: Twenty minutes.

Sarah: Not too long.

I yawned. Justin got up and kissed my forehead. Then the doctor walked in.

Doctor: Miss Davis You'll be released tomorrow. Just then my mom, dad, Jermey, and Patty walk in.

Mom: Oh my god are you alright baby?

Sarah: Yeah.

My dad hugged me. Then Patty then Jermey.

Sarah: Could have gone alot worse.

Mom: Did they kill those-

Sarah: We don't know. Or at leaset I don't. Alls I saw was them fall.

Jermey: I hope they died.

Justin: Dad!

Jermey: I'm sorry. It's just i don't like seeing my future daughter-in-law.

Sarah: You guys knew?!

Mom: Sarah. When you were in the hospital. Last time. Justin had us all sit down and he asked if he could and if we thought we you both were ready. And we all thought you were.

Sarah: Gosh. Seems like everyone is in the loop except me!

Erin: HUSH YOUR MUSH!! You are SO in the loop.

Sarah: Or so you want me to think.

I hadn't realized the doc. left.

Dad: So when ya gettin out?

Sarah: Tomorrow.

Scooter: Good.

Sarah: SCOOOOOT- Wait. Good. That means something.

Scooter: Sarah. Do you know ho many people tweeted about your performance?

Sarah: Nope. Because I don't have a twit-ter.

Scooter: Well right now your blowing up the internet.

Justin: hey I got an idea.

Erin: Spit it out boy!

Justin: Remember in third grade when you and I did the talent show.

Sarah: Yeah. We did I'll Be by Edwin McCain.

Justin: Let's do a duet. And since Jessica can't make it to the day after tomorrow, you can sing Overboard.

Sarah: Whoah there cowboy. I don't want people thinking I'm a singer or a girl that's dating you for fame. You know that I'm super duper sensitive and there comments will make me cry.

Erin: That's whats stumps me. Is you can take a kick to the face and shed like three tears, but somebodyhurts your feeligns and you breakdown. I'm complicated like that Erin. You know that.

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