Chapter 51: Christmas fights, exploding Baked Alaska... WITH FIRE!!, and Conan??

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Once we got home Justin had to start packing for Washington. I was staying because of Bradley and I was exhausted thanks to the 'expirement'. I put Bradley in his crib and shut the door. I saw Justin standing alone in our bus. I kissed him and I placed my hands on his cheeks. I pulled back tosee his sad face. I smiled.

Sarah: Smile you're singing for Obama and his family and the rest of the political dweebs. Haha.

 He smiled.

Sarah: Say "Hello" for me and do your best. Bradley and I will be rooting for you.

Justin: Ok. Be safe. Lock the door while I'm gone-

Sarah: Ok. DAD! Geez. Goyou're gona miss your flight.

Justin: Ok.

He kissed me and walked out. I watched the Range Rover with Kenny, Pattie, and Scooter drive away. Then Erin, Christian, and the guys walk in.

Sarah: When did you guys get here?!

Ryan: Right before Justin left. Wow you gained some weight.

Sarah: Hardy har har! You're hilarious! Note sarcasim.

Ryan smiled, extended his arms, and pulled me in for a tight hug.

Sarah: Chazzy!

Chaz: Sarahy!

Wer hugged each other tightly.

Erin: I want a pickle and peanut butter.

I looked at her and thought for a moment.

Sarah: Me too. I'll get the pickles if you get the peanut butter.

Erin: Deal.

I walked to the fridge and got the whole jar and Erin opened the cabinet and grabbed the whole jar of peanut butter. Then we sat at the table and started eating the two unlikely foods. The guys looked at us weirdly.

Sarah: What?

Erin: You got a problem with people eating?!

Ryan: Only truly pregnant people eat that crap! ARE YOU GUYS?!

Erin: If I wasn't FAKELY pregnant I'd get up and smack you!

Sarah: Yeah. Besides I've heard that when a wolf mom adopts another females babies she acts pregnant so she'll gain weight, produce milk, and act as if/was pregnant.

Ryan: You're not wolves!

Christian: So?! It doesn't we're not as animalistic. We fight over mates, we fight over food, and we all know who's the alphas. *whispers to guys* The females.

Erin: Dang straight.

Sarah: Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamen!

Ryan: Let's watch a scary movie!


Erin: Deuces!

Sarah: Aww come on Erin. I'll protect you. I'm a fakely hormonal pregnant lady I'll protect you. Besides we'll sit right here by the bedroom so I can still here Bradley and we're away from the door.

Erin: Ugh... Alright.

Sarah: Yay!

Christian: I wanna sit with y'all.

Ryan: Wussie!

Erin: Says the boy who cryed whenasked to take a picture with Chucky Cheese!

Ryan: I was 8 and I had a tramatic experience before!!

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