Chapter 42: Panties, cotton candy, and a kiddie pool?

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I found myself laying in a huge bed in a all white room. I raised myself up and saw myself shirtless. Nothing unusual bout that. I was sleeping. I rested on my arm and scratched my chest with the other. I got up and walked over to a drawer. I opened the top one and to my eyes and suprise. I saw womens panties. My eyes widened. I grabbed a pair of pink with black lace hipsters. I saw the tag and written on it it said, clear as day, "Sarah" I smiled and the sexy hipsters. Then I looked out the large window and saw sitting in a kiddie pool was Sarah eating pink cotton candy. Boy did she look sexy eating that candy. I couldn't tell is what kind of bathing suit she was wearing, but she had on black tinted shades. I saw a picture on a table of me and Sarah. We were at the beach and she was in a flowy white dress and I in a white shirt, white pants saggin, and both of us barefoot. We both were standing infront of an alter. Then I felt something on my left hand. I looked down and saw I had a ring. Sarah and I are married! Yessssssssss. I couldn't see myself marrying Selena. I just didn't/couldn't a future with her. Sarah. Heck yeah. I looked up and she was gone.

Justin: Where did she-?

Then everything went black and I felt someones hands over my face and wet lumps on my shoulder blades.

Voice: Guess who!

Justin: BEYONCE!?

Voice: NO!

I removed the hands and turned to see Sarah smiling and her sunglasses resting on the top of her pretty little head. She was in a zebra bikini, a white tank top dress/cover, and barefoot. I smiled and pulled her close. She smiled even bigger, but wiggled loose before I could kiss her and she ran into the bathroom. I followed after her and she had taken her cover off and started the shower. Her sunglasses were off and she took her hair out of the ponytail and she sat under the water and  did the whole sexy finger signaling "Come here" and I did gladly.


 We walked out and kissed slowly. Then pulled back.

Sarah: We gotta get dressed and go to the restuarant soon. Eeeeeeeeee! I can't to tell them the good news.

Justin: What good news?

Sarah: That I'm pregnant silly.


I woke up to hear Sarah gasping then crying. I pulled her close and held her in my arms. That was a nice dream. I think if it was Selena I would have maybe called it a nightmare.


I finally got a hold of myself and I looked at Justin.

Justin: You alright?

I nodded and put my face into his neck. He layed back , me still in his arms. I slowly went back to bed. Still engulfed in Justin's arms.


I opened my tired eyes to my hair tickling my nose thanks to Justin breathing out. I slowly sat up and heard him groan and rub his eyes. I looked back. He looked at me. I looked at him.

Justin: You okay?

Sarah: I had a nightmare.

Justin: Aww. Tell me what happened?

Sarah: Well I'll sum it up. You were marrying Selena and she was pregnant, then after it was over I walked to the lakehouse, it was  by it, and Ryan was drunk of his white butt and he tried to kiss me and when I refused he attacked me and put tape over my mouth, hands, and feet and then rolled me into the lake and I started drowning.

Justin: Oh my gosh.

He sat up and held me close and tight.

Justin: Sarah I love you and I can't see myself with anyone else,let alone Selena, and imagne what our kid or kidsss would look like?! I love YOU! And ONLY YOU! Are kids are gonna be smexi!

Sarah: That's our child or children are talking about!

Justin: If we get a girl I think she'll be more like me if we have a boy he'll be like you.

Sarah: Pft. Thanks.

He chuckled.

Sarah: What do you want?

Justin: What ever our genes tell that egg to be.

He smiled and kissed me. I giggled and got up and got dressed. He just layed there and watched me. Then once I was done I walked into the bathroom and got freshened up. When I walked out Justin was slipping his shirt on. I walked silently behind and squeezed his sides and screamed. He jumped and turned to me. We started laughing. Then walked out to see Christian just getting up and Erin sitting at the table. As soon as she saw me she ran over to me and gave me a bone crushing hug.

Erin: Can I tell you something?

Sarah: Yeah what's up?

Erin: I had a dream that a fan killed you and we all were at your funeral and  then a flash flood happened and we all got swept away and then your coffin opened up and your body fell out and it was- UGH it was horrible. I don't know why I had that dream. I was so confused.

Sarah: It's okay I had a bad dre- I mean nightmare too, Sister. Man what's with these dreams.

Erin: I don't know.

We all walked out Christian shutting the door behind all of us. We saw my family around the table. We walked over and had breakfest did a couple games, then we had lunch, played some more games, and the dinner, and then a couple MORE games and before we knew it was 10 o'clock. Dang I'm beat. Most of my family congraulated me and Justin and Erin and Christian.

Sarah: Night people. See ya tomorrow!

Everyone waved and Justin, Erin, and Christian walked into the bus and headed inside. I hugged Chris and Erin goodnight and I walked into the bedroom with Justin undressed and got into our pj's and then got in bed.

Justin: Night babe. (clicking off the light)

Sarah: Night Stud. (clicking off other light)

He laughed and then we kissed each other night and I fell asleep before Justin. Ahh. Hopefully only good dreams.


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Sarah's Outfit in Justin's Dream:

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