Chapter 4- Ms. Blogger

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Dedicated to @fantasyfreak3 for spoiling her whole book, Diamonds, for me! MUAHAHHA

Chapter 4- Ms. Blogger

The rest of the day went as smooth as a hectic day can be. Austin, after getting over his laughing fit, promised he would be at my house with Taylor and Josh, while Devin and Rebecca declined, claiming they have practice. It's not even football season. 

When I pulled up to my driveway I found a car parked in the drive way that I havn't seen in a while. My dad was home? When did he get back? Why didn't he call me before time?

I grabbed my bag and sprinted into the house. I haven't seen him for two months since he went overseas to negotiate stuff for the company. Saying I miss him would be the biggest understatement in the world. 

I ran into the house eager to finally see him, " Daddy!" I yelled and checked the computer room first. He wasn't there; I ran upstairs, nearly tripping, to look for him there.

"Hey sweety." He said when I finally found him in my parents bedroom. He gave me a hug which I quickly returned.

"Hey Dad, why are you still in your suit dad?" I asked when we finally pulled away, looking at his black suit and striped blue tie.

"Buisness." He said simply. His forest green eyes were like mine except they looked paler today. Being a company ambassador was stressful, everyone can tell. My dad was getting grey strands of hair in his usual dark hair.

My heart fell as I realized what he meant, "You mean you're not staying home?" The answer was pretty obvious, I had failed to realize the packed suitcases when I first walked in. "But you just got here."

"I know sweety, I wish I could stay longer." He said, smoothing my hair.

"Why didn't you call ahead of time and tell me you were coming home?" I asked him, annoyed with his company. Why can't they just cut him some slack? He just got here and now he has to leave. 

 " I was just stopping at the house to get some paper work and leave right after. So I didn't bother to call since I wouldn't be staying long." He said, " but I'm glad I got to see you."

"But you're leaving again!" I whined. "When will you come home? Not just for a couple of hours, like a week or something?"

"Tammy, what did I tell you about whining?" he said giving me a stern look.

"It's not a pretty trait to have." I muttered, looking down at my feet.

"Right," he continued, " I'll be back in a couple of weeks max." 

I looked back up at him, "Ok," I said with a smile. These trips always lasted more then a couple of weeks. Every time he leaves he tells me it's only going to be a couple weeks, though it always ends up to being a couple of months. But he never says any different and I'll always try to believe it's only a couple of weeks.

He picked up his suit case and walked out the room. I followed him, hating to see him leave, yet again. 

Right before he closed the door, " Tammy, I have something in the mail that's coming in a day or two. I wasn't going to tell you about it, but I guess I just can't keep a secret." he said

"What is it?" I asked, eager to find out.

"Wait a couple of days and you'll see." with that he closed the door.

What is it? I wracked my brain trying to think of anything that he might give me. Why through mail? Why can't he just give it to me in person? Is it Austin Mahone?! No, that's impossible. I mentally scolded myself for thinking something that outrageous.

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