Chapter 21- And We Meet Again

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Chapter 21- And We Meet Again

One half of me was hoping that it was some random Austin standing behind me or that my stupid best friend was messing with me. The other half actually believed him because I found my hands straightening my clothes and running through my hair before I even realized it. 

“You’re lying.” was the first things that escaped my lips. Even though half of my brain believed him, my other half was as stubborn as a mule. It didn’t believe Austin Mahone was actually behind me and plus, you can’t trust every word that comes out of Austin’s big mouth which talks nonsense half the time.

“Ok, I guess you’ll just miss probably the last chance you will ever seem him in front of you. I mean look at his face it’s so… Austin Mahone.” I narrowed my eyes at him as he coaxed me into thinking that Austin was actually behind me. “Like look at those eyes. A beautiful shade of blue and green. And look at that flawless complexion, I think his complexion might even be better then mine and you know how flawless my complexion is.” even when he’s trying to persuade me his ego still somehow find itself in it. “And don’t even get me started on his hair--”

“Shuddup! Would you please just shh-- you’re making my head explode.” I said to him, but it wasn't the truth or a lie. My brain did feel like it was going to explode, but it wasn't from him... well not all of it anyway. My stubborn side and my gullible side were going against each other until finally a logical side came in and just told me to turn around.

So that’s what I did. “Austin I swear, if you lie to me-- this isn’t even funny. You know how terrible my day has been and if--” I stopped myself short. Apparently Austin hadn’t been lying because standing in front of me was Austin Mahone with the blender I handed him earlier. “Holy crap.” my eyes were wide as I started at Austin Mahone. He was 973,849,294,674 times better then my cardboard cutout I got. “Austin…”

“Tammy.” he greeted with an enchanting smile, his eyes were as Austin has described-- blue with a hint of green it them. Even though he was holding a blender, he still looked absolutely stunning. I mean, how many percent of the population can hold a blender standing there while looking godlike? Only one that I know of and that’s Austin Carter Mahone.

“A-Austin.” I whispered not really knowing how to respond.

“Meeee!” my best friend said cheerfully. Thankfully that knocked me out of my daze.

I shook my head, “Uhm… hey.”

“Hey, didn’t expect to see you here.” he says glancing around the smoothie store.

“Didn’t expect you here either.” I replied not meeting his eyes; I look absolutely ridiculous with my sticky hair and clothes.

“Yeah, I come here every time I come to New York City, this place is pretty neat.” he says holding up the blender to prove his point.

“Yeah…” I replied looking around, not really knowing where to set my eyes at. If I looked straight in his eyes I will get stuck in them. If I don’t look at him it may seem that I am rude. "So..." I said feeling super awkward, "I thought you were still at the backstage thing."

He set the messy blender down on my table. He had to reach around me to do so and his closeness almost made me faint, did I mention he smells really really good?  "I was, but it ended twenty minutes ago."

"Oh..." I said having not much to say. I couldn't help it, I just spent half a day with him obliviously then I shouted I love you to him during his concert. What can I  actually say to him that wouldn't sound weird?

 He didn’t seem to realize how blunt my reply was, or he didn’t chose to acknowledge it, because the next thing I knew a girl was screaming, “HOLY CRAP IT’S AUSTIN MAHONE.” just so you know, it isn’t me. 

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