Chapter 38- A Centillion of Butterflies

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Chapter 38- A Centillion of Butterflies


Many things had changed this summer, but many stayed the same. Austin and I both got into relationships and out, I guess you can call it summer love and throw in Summer Time Sadness by Lana Del Ray. Even though the relationship had pulled each of our strings and made us each do unforgettable things to each other, we were still Austin and Tammy, before this whole mess.

We stilled had that special bond though it has changed a little bit due to his confession, but other then that we were still who we are, two teenage kids who fell in love with the wrong people and did stupid things. Austin was still my right hand man and best friend in crime and I guess I was his too.

It felt like it was forever ago when we were at NYC, it felt even longer ago when we did the whole phone thing. To think I was a lovestuck fan girl just five months ago was a little hard to believe. I wasn't the fan girl who based everything on the first thing that came to my mind anymore, but that didn't mean I wasn't a Mahomie anymore.

I still had my hefty collection of Austin Mahone merchandise, but I have removed the shirtless one of him--that I used to kiss every night before I got to bed-- across the room. I did get to see him shirtless in person and I have tasted his lips in the real world and a poster will be never the same again. Everything else in the room was the same, to any other girl, having just one photo of their ex in their room will break them down, but I had hundreds and it didn't bother me that much.

Like I told him before, once a fan, always will be a fan and a petty break-up will not make me hate him. I don't hate him.

I still love him, but I'm not in love. I loved Austin Mahone, not Austin, himself and frankly I am ok with that.

One Austin has entered and left my life, but I still had one that stayed with me even though it was the hardest thing for him and I am truly grateful for that.

I smiled at my reflection in the mirror, I was once again in a dress, but this time I hand picked it instead of having it pre-bought and used as blackmail. The full length dress was made of green satin and had loose blue frills starting from my waist. Near the top there were beads and diamonds that were gorgeous compliments to the dress.

My hair was straightened, my ears had dangling earrings on them, my make up was done. This was the best I've looked in ages and I did it all by myself. Giving myself a mental high five at how well I cleaned myself up, I grabbed my light dress and went down the stairs.

"Awwh, honey, you look gorgeous!" My mother cooed as soon as she saw me around the corner.

"Thanks, Mom." I replied and let her give me a hug, I towered over her by a lot being in the four inch heels I found that went nice with the dress, I just hope I don't regret this decision later on.

"Let me just be a typical parent and take that pre-homecoming picture." My dad said snapping a picture of me before he even finished his sentence.

"Dad!" I exclaimed and covered my face even though it was no use, he already got the photo of me.

"What? I just wanted to take the picture before you bolted out the door, trying to get as far away as you possibly can." He chuckles and showed my mom the picture.

She laughed, "That's definitely a keeper." and when I tried to look at the screen, she switched to another picture, "Nope, you're not seeing it."

"Why not??"

"Because you will most likely delete it."

Dang, well there goes that plan.

I groaned and looked out my front door, like an overly excited person who can't wait to go to the dance, and watched for Austin's car. Meanwhile my parents choked about how I'm already a senior and their baby girl was growing up so quickly and soon I would be gone.

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