Chapter 29- Junior Ball

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Chapter 29- Dance

It all started as a simple text conversation between me and Taylor during English. The clock was counting down hours until the Junior Ball and every Junior was hyped up about it… except me. She was being pretty persistent in asking me to go this week, but so far it wasn't working out so well for her. Bad for her, great for me. So her last attempt of getting me to go went a little like this:

Taylor: Tammy you have to go! (angry emojicons)

Me: But it’s not even something I want to go to. (bored emojicons)

Taylor: It’s a once in a lifetime opportunity! You don’t want to pass it up, it’s part of the High School Experience Package!

Me: I never wanted the ‘High School Experience Package”. Has it occurred to you that this dance isn’t any different from any other dance? Just because it’s reserved for Juniors doesn't make it any different from Homecoming or Valentines Day Dance which both turned out pretty lame from people I’ve heard, so I pass this dance also.

Taylor: It is SPECIAL!!!!!!!!!! (Yes, ten exclamation points.)

Me: How would you know? You never went.

Taylor: How you know it wouldn't be special? (sparkles emojicon) You could meet the love of your life there! (Hearts emojicons and more sparkles)

Me: The love of my life is Austin Mahone. I’m pretty sure he won’t be in San Antonio, what makes you think he’s going to be at Smith Johnson High School?

Taylor: … Ok… maybe you can just go for fun?

Me: Tight dresses, four inch heels, complete makeover? How can anyone possibly have fun?

Taylor: What? That’s the most fun part! Picking out dresses and dressing up to look more prefect then anyone!

Me: No.

Taylor: Please.

Me: No.

Taylor: Pleasey please?

Me: No.

Taylor: Please please please with a cherry on top?

Me: No.

Taylor: Carmel and chocolate pop tarts on top? Please?

Me: No, my hands are tired from texting “no” so I’m going to stop texting now and pay attention to the teacher.

Taylor: Your hands won’t be tired if you just say yes!

Me: Well I’m still saying no, so bye!

Taylor: I’m going to make you go. No way am I going to waste 100 dollars on a dress you aren't even going to wear!

Me: You should return it then.

Taylor: IT’s NOT REFUNDABLE! Just you wait Tammy, no matter what you will be at that dance and you will be the prettiest girl there! Ok, ttyl you can list to your boring old teacher now.

I shook my head at Taylor’s determination and the dress. Who buys a dress that’s not refundable? I sighed, Taylor will be Taylor and I had some bad feeling that she was going to go through with her words. Just thinking about the gruesome hours of prepping made me grimace-- hours of hair tugging, face painting, accessorizing for a school event. No thank you. I don’t even want to think about the dance.

Meeting Austin Mahone [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now