Chapter 9- Why is Austin Mahone in Your Room?

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Dedicated to the lovely @deliriumhaver for bothering to try to get me an Austin Mahone video when he was at Bustch Gardens.

Chapter 9- Why is Austin Mahone in Your Room?

Days turn to weeks as time flew by and life started to fall back into place. Now with the whole "master plan" out of the way, life almost became mundane. Eat, sleep, wake up, go to school, not exactly in that order though. 

I still check the mail eagerly everyday, but every time the tickets didn't arrive I felt a pang of dubiety. What if the whole competition was just a prank? The thought would always wash away as soon as I thought of it because really, who would do such a cruel thing? Unless the people running the radio station are evil masterminds, there's no way it's a prank.

At school things were normal as it could possibly be. Break-ups, make-ups, hook-ups, and of course the rumors. Those things spread like wildfire, once it leaves someone's mouth everyone knows by the end of a period: who Austin was dating, who is that new redhead, did Tammy seriously use my phone for that?!

When the student body found out what I really used the phones for--curtsy of Amy-- their reactions were... outrageous. Some people were irritated when they found out I used their precious phones for the contest. Others were envious that they didn't come up with that idea, 'cause they too were Austin Mahone fans.

I would never say much when it came to those approaches. I mean, they're either ready to rip my head off or cry their eyeballs outs. Maybe both. Either way I didn't want to say the wrong things and rub off as arrogant. 

I sighed and looked up from my Algebra homework. The numbers and letters were confusing the crap out of me yet again and my head is on the verge of explosion. If this was some cartoon movie, my head would be smoking from all the thinking. The progress I've made on the homework was non-existant. I'm litteraly still stuck on the problem I left with that night. 

If only I could get somewhere with my Algebra homework like I did for the contest, life would be a bowl of sugar... I thought miserably.

I slammed the evil textbook shut with a thump and ran a hand though my hair. I got up from my chair and stretched my aching body that has been frozen for the past hour. I stepped over my backpack that sprawled on my bedroom floor to the new piece added to my Austin Mahone collection, admiring it's beauty.

I stared at the 5'9'' hunk of hotness. His beautiful hazel eyes were bright with life and there was such a glint in them that they would make your knees weak. That night after two broken scissors and a bent pen I finally managed to pry that stubborn box open. Two million feet  of bubble wrap later, I found the life size cardboard cut out of Austin Mahone. On his left hand was an envelope written to me. It said :

"Dear Tammy,

I hope you love what I've gotten you. I've heard you love Austin Mahone quite a lot. Even though I couldn't bring him to you in flesh and blood for your birthday, I've brought you the next best thing. I know what you're wondering, "How did you get a hold of this?". Well I'll just keep it short and simple. I just happen to know some people who work with Austin Mahone and after I pulled a couple of strings, they've decided to let you have the first life size Austin Mahone cardboard cut out.

 I'm sorry I won't be able to attend your 17th Birthday , but I hope you enjoy this little preasent from me. Taped on the back of this note are 2 plane and platinum tickets to Austin Mahone's concert in New York City; backstage passes included.

As always, I love you.

Love, Dad

Ps. If you're wondering why there was so much bubble wrap, it's so you wouldn't have to spend over an hour assembling the pieces."

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