Chapter 28- Detention

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Chapter 28- Detention

"Ma'am where do I sign in for detention?" I asked a lady in the front office since I have no idea where detention was held.

She was busy doing something on her computer she didn't hear me, "Ma'am." I spoke up again.


She looked up a little startled, she pushed her glasses up her nose and walked up to the counter, "I'm sorry, I got a little distracted with all the final grades and well stuff that isn't exactly interesting, what can I help you with?"

"I was just wondering where detention was held."

"Oh, Hall B room 221."

"Thank you." I left the office and went to walked in that direction. I hope detention wasn't that harsh... maybe the teacher will be in the teacher's lounge or asleep the whole time.

I entered the room and went to the back corner of the classroom hoping that I won't have to look up from my book for the next hour and a half. Problem was it was taken already... by Austin. Talk about awkward.

I sat down in the chair infront of since if I walked in the other direction it would be very obvious that I'm avoiding him. 

The words on the books didn't get absorbed by my brain I'm pretty sure I stared at the same sentence for 5 minutes. Finally the teacher walked in with a stack of papers, he threw them on the desk and turned to the chalk board. He wrote detention in all caps and underlined it. Like Austin and I didn't know this was detention. We were the only ones in here and I'm pretty sure we didn't mistaken this place as a place we actually wanted to be.

"It's a shame that it's the last week of school and you guys are serving detention." the teacher tsked. He then handed us two word searches, "I expect this to be done by the end of detention or you will be serving detention until the rest of this week."

I glared at the sheet of paper. "Oh also, you guys will have to work together to finish the crossword. You guys are both in this classroom for the same reason so I suggest you to solve the conflict between you two so I don't have to see you guys again. Now I'm heading to the teacher's lounge, if come back to find some funny business going on both of you will be serving detention at the beginning of next year." with that he exited the class room leaving us in utter silence.

I turned to my worksheet and divided the column of words in half. If solving a crossword puzzle was the ticket to never coming back here, I'm getting it done. "You find the first 25 and I'll find the other 25. Then we'll trade answers." I stated turning around and pointed to his half of words on his sheet with my pencil.

He looked at me blankly and I was surprised by how tired he looked, his blue eyes were dull and lifeless. Austin was no where to be found during lunch today, good for me, not good for him? This was actually the first time I saw him or bothered to communicate with him since yesturday's lunch.

Upon getting no response from him other I turned around and started working on my word search. Five minutes past, then ten, all that was heard was my pencil circling stuff on the sheet. Half and hour later I was complete and prepared for the hardest part.

"Alright now we trade worksheets." I said while turning around, when I looked down at his paper, "What in the world?! You're suppose to have it finished!"


I narrowed my eyes at him, "You know Austin, if it's anyone doing the ignoring thing it should be me not the other way around. Now when you decide to act more mature I'll be right here." Turning around back to my seat I started on his portion of the word search. Why did it have to be Austin who had to be in detention the same day I was? Why couldn't it be someone else who actually would do the word search?

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