Chapter 36- Do You Love Me?

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Chapter 36- Do You Love Me?

Pushing myself out of my current position, I decided to go to the one person who can possibly make me feel better at this point. Before I went however, I made sure I cleaned my face and my eyes aren't bloodshot. After spending a few minutes cleaning up and reapplying my makeup, I left the house.

When I opened my front door the person I needed to see was right there. The sight of his brown hair and beautiful eyes made my heart swell.

"I was just about to go see you." I invited him in.

He thanked me and gave me a grateful smile, but something about it was off. His usual spark in his eyes weren't there.

"Hey are you OK?" I asked forgetting about the fallout and focused on him.

"Yeah, I'm OK. I actually came here to talk to you about something." He ran his hand through his hair.

"Sure, do you want to sit down or something?" I asked him gladly that I get to spend some time with him. He's been distant lately and I didn't like that.

"I think it's fine if we just stand."

"OK..." I said feeling a little confused now, was he just stopping by after all the time we didn't see each other?

I seemed odd, but I didn't question his motives.

"I actually came to talk to you about something." He stuck his hands in his pocket and looked behind me.

I almost turned around to see what he was looking at if his troubled expression didn't stop me.

Troubled? What could possibly trouble his usual optimistic personality. Suddenly I instantly knew what he was about to tell me. All the practices and interviews were leading up to one thing. His tour.

"You're leaving."

"No-- I mean yes, kinda, but there's another reason why I'm here." He says.

"What is it?" I dared to ask without my voice quivering. Suck it up Tammy, you're being pathetic.

"It's about us." He wouldn't meet my eyes as he said those words and at that moment, him leaving wasn't as bad compared to this. I felt my heart clench.

"You're breaking up with me." Again it was me who said the words, but I didn't understand why.

Why was I being broken up with? Did I do anything wrong? I don't remember doing anything wrong. I wasn't clingy or called him every second he was away. I gave him personal space, privacy, and everything he had before I became his girlfriend. I made sure I didn't turn into that kind of girlfriend. The one that needed the boy 24/7. So why was he breaking up with me?

"I'm really sorry. I know you're confused and I'll explain everything before you jump to conclusion. You didn't do anything wrong." He took steps so he was right in front of me. This was not something a guy who is breaking up with a girl should be doing.

I on the other hand was frozen. His hand took mine--- again not something a guy did when they break up. His hands were still as warm as they used to be, but it felt different this time.

"Don't think I don't love you because I do. I do at the bottom of my heart, but this relationship won't work." If he loved me he shouldn't break up with me. Simple as that, Austin why can't you see that?! I wanted to say that to him but my lips were frozen.

"It pains me to do this because you stole my heart."

"Why...?" I finally managed to say weakly.

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