Chapter 26- Breaking Point

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Chapter 26- Breaking Point

The following morning I had to return to my life as person who has to go to school and prepare from the end of their junior year. This week will be the last week I'll be a junior, not that I care about it or anything, school is school and I will always be ready to leave this place.

By the time I got to school I was ready to go back to sleep; we got back to San Antonio at about 2 am and I didn't get to bed until at least 3:30 in the morning. When I found Taylor and Josh, they didn't look any better then I did. Taylor was using Josh like a pillow while Josh was trying to stay awake taking his stuff out of his locker. "Good morning." he yawns when I approached them.

"Got any sleep last night?" I asked ask I yawned too; hey, yawns were contagious.

"Not at all, maybe I'll just sleep in class, it's not like we're doing anything this last week anyway."

"Or sleep in the hallway like what Taylor is doing." I snickered as I gestured to her as she had her head on Josh's arm and was sound asleep, oblivious of the conversation me and him were having.

"That wouldn't work out so well since if I fell asleep we would both fall."

"You're going to fall either way, you look like a zombie."

"Thanks Tammy." Josh rolls his eyes.

"Well I'm going to go to class to get some shut eye. See you at lunch." I told him while he tried to not let Taylor fall to the ground.

I walked down to my first bell like a zombie, not seeing anything, feeling anything, just trying to stay awake and not fall over. 

If you havn't noticed... jet lag+ 2 hours of sleep doesn't really work well.

I ran into someone and almost fell over as I made a turn down the hall. "Sorry." I mutter sleepily then looked up to see it was Austin who looked just ask tired as all of us.

I stiffened up and I instantly woke up, "Austin." I greeted him.

"Tammy." he greeted stiffly with a nod.

After coming up with nothing to say to him I stepped around him, "I should go to class. Don't want to be late."

He didn't say anything and I was glad, I wouldn't know what to say if he brought up the fight we had yesturday. We never settled the conflict between us on the plane, now it's just there everytime we cross paths. I hate saying cross paths. We shouldn't have to cross paths we should be there for each other. Now we're acting like completely strangers and I hate it. I know it's been barely 24 hours since we had that fight, but I was starting to already miss the friendship we had. I guess how bad the fight actually was hit me now, as we exchanged only 12 words and 11 of those words were said by me. This is bad...

But it wasn't my fault it's this way.

Maybe I should apologize-- no I can't do that because there's nothing for me to apologize for. It should be him that needs to apologize for his mistakes. If only he could swallow his ego and maybe all of this would go away. There goes me wishful thinking again, like he can actually swallow his ego.

I shook my head and lay my head down on my desk to get some shut eye, thinking about all of this made my head hurt. I almost went into the land of Austin Mahone in my dreams when someone tapped my should.

"What do you want?" I asked crankily not caring that I was rude to one of my innocent classmates.

"I'm glad you had fun this weekend." the voice replied not so sincerely, I looked up to see Amy who was definitely NOT an innocent classmate.

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