Chapter 5- Snake, Slapping, Flo Rida

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  • Dedicated to Allie for being an egoistic friend

Chapter 5- Snake, Slapping, Flo Rida

They arrived in a ruckus. When I opened the door they all feel to the ground. Taylor and Josh were on the bottom while Austin was on top;  on the ground, with limbs tangled together.  They scramble up to their feet.

“Fuck you Austin.” Taylor said, smoothing down her clothes.

“Why were you guys all pressed up against my door?” I asked. I looked at them, each other them at a time.

“Ask Austin.” Josh said crossing his arms, looking irritated. His cheeks were a little red from the impact of the floor. I gave Austin a questioning look.

“We’re excited!” He said in an overly happy voice. I let the subject drop. He then lifted up his book bag.

I wrinkled my eye brows, we didn’t have a test tomorrow did we?

“Tammy the phones!” Austin said.

“Ohh!” I said feeling dumb that I didn’t realize that’s what he’s carrying his phone with. “Alright guys, common.” I gestured my hands for them to follow me up stairs.

In my room he dumped all the phones out his book bag. I looked at them, they each had a tape on it with people’s names.

Getting straight to business, “ Ok guy, I want you to put this number in the phone” I gave them each a sticky note with a number on it. They picked up a random phone and started to punch the numbers. “But don’t press call!” I said when Austin was finish punching the numbers and about to press the call button.

The plan was simple. We put the radio station number in on all the phones. When the right time comes, we press call for all of them. As fast as possible of course. Then we’ll just hope that we’re the winner. 

I brought out the phones I collected and dumped them into the phone pile. For the next 20 minutes, we sat there and put the numbers in the phone. One by one. Austin looked a little too happy when we were putting the numbers in, whenever I catch his eyes, he would smile and look back down at the phone.

Taylor and Josh were having a competition, seeing who would put the most numbers in the phones. A little friendly competition; I take that back,  they flirt too much with each to called it a friendly competition. 

“Can you guys just kiss already?” I blurted out. I slapped my hand on my mouth, the clicking sound from the phones suddenly stopped. Taylor and Josh both turned red. They tried to not look each other in the eye, when it happened, they looked away in opposite directions, obviously embarrassed at my words.

“What are you talking about Tammy?” Josh asked obviously trying to make the situation unawkward. Not working.. “ I mean, why would I kiss Taylor?” he looked at Taylor, “ Right?”

A something flashed in her eyes, “ Uh yeah. Why would I want to kiss you?” She nodded, agreeing with him; it looked like she was trying to convince herself more then agreeing with him. 

Guilt washed on me. I just made them think the other person doesn’t like them. Way to go Tammy. I looked over at Austin for help. He was still smiling down at the phone. The same phone.

Josh changed the subject, the hurt was pretty obvious in his voice. “ So Tammy, I got all the phones with the number in.”

“Thanks” I told him.  Then I picked up a couple of phones and set them neatly in rows of 10 on the floor.  Taylor soon came to help me. When we were finished it seemed like there was over 40 phones.

“Hey, did you guys help collect phones too?” I asked Taylor and Josh.

“Yeah, Taylor and I,” he didn’t look at her, “decided since we’re helping you, we might as well help you collect phones too.”

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