Chapter 13- Austin's Break-up Epidemic and Lack of Cooking Skills

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Chapter 13- Austin's Break-up Epidemic and Lack of Cooking Skills

"Happy Birthday bitchhhhh!" I heard then I got hit in the face with a pillow. What in the world? I scrambled up into a sitting position on my bed looking for the attacker. I got hit again, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY I LOVE YOU!" The same voice shouted.

I groaned and rubbed my tired eyes. I need more time to sleep.

First, what the crap? Second, it's my birthday? Third, it is way to early to wake up! I looked at the time by my bed and it said 6:34 am. Frickin 6:34 in the morning.

Austin stood at the end of my bed all dressed and awake... while holding a pillow. I should've know it was him. "Get. Out." I ordered, pointing at the door, I need sleep and he is not going to intervene again.

"Common Tammy! Cheer up, it's your birthday!", he said instead of getting out of my room and letting me sleep.

"I'll cheer up in three hours, now let me sleep!", I said then laid down and threw the sheet over my head and snuggled into it.

I don't care if it's my birthday, I just want sleep. I heard shifting of feets, finally, he's leaving my alone.

Just before I fell back to sleep the sheets got ripped off me. The cold surrounded me instantly. I sat back up, "What is your PROBLEM?!" I hissed at him. He then threw my bed sheets into the closet forcing me to stay cold.

"My problem is, I'm bored and you're sleeping." He said standing in front of the closed closet. You want me to freeze to death don't you Austin?

"So you woke me up just so you won't be bored?", I asked in disbelief as I hugged myself. Someone turn the AC down it is like the South Pole in this room.


I sighed and ran my fingers through my messy hair. This kid is so annoying... and irritating... and nerve racking... and you get the point! Austin is the most annoying guy in the world. Maybe if I pretend he's not there he will go away...

My back hit the bed again and I curled my knees to my chest to hold in my body heat. I'll just pretend I'm asleep and he will leave, then I can really fall asleep.

Minutes past and he was still standing in front of my closet not moving. I groaned in annoyance and sat back up, "Can you go, like, do something? Go text your girlfriend Cora or whatever her name is." I don't care what he does, as long as he's out of this room, I'm all good. I just need the stupid blanket so I can go back to sleep!

"You mean Kara?" He corrected, leaning on the closet door with his arm crossed.

"Yeah her, go text her or something." I said with a dismissive tone.

He rolled his eyes, "I'm not dating her... well not anymore."

This got my attention. What? Since when did this happen? Last time I checked there were all moochie moochie and all the couple stuff. They broke up? Woah, where was I when this happened? "What?" I asked, "You have to tell me what happened!"

Forget going back to sleep, I'm too wide awake now.

"Alright, alright." He said, stepping away from the closet, "It's not a big deal though. She's only the..." he stopped and though of something, "23rd girl I've dated... I think."

"She's only the 23rd girl I've dated." I mimicked in a high pitched voice, which doesn't really make sense since he has a low voice... "Right, because it is totally normal that you've dated 23 girls in three years."

Can I say mega player? I mean 23 girls... Wow... That puts the rest of the players to shame.

"It is normal..."he replies like it was part of him, and maybe dating and dumping was.

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