Chapter 18- The Concert

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I once heard from somewhere that if you read the authors' note at the end of a chapter on Wattpad, you wouldn't be confused on why something happened. Or it tells you the answer to some questions. But I don't know... it could just be a myth....

:3 read the author's note there's something important in it

For now, fangirl over Austin Mahone.... because that's exactly what I'm doing at this moment.


Chapter 18- The Concert

"We're here we're here we're here! Can you believe it?!" No that wasn't Taylor's voice, it was mine. At this moment I was in fangirl mode. We finally made it to Madison Square Garden and since we had VIP passes we were let in instantly.

We were in the process of getting into the actual stadium, there were only so many doors and people were all trying to get it. There were people selling merchandise and food in the corner, but I was too excited to get into the stadium that I didn't care about them.

Once we finally made it through the double doors and into the stadium, the ceiling instantly it became 50 feet higher. It wasn't the exact easement, but the extra height in the ceiling made the stadium so much bigger!

"Let's go!" I said walking towards the stage that was only 100 feet away. There were people everywhere, girls actually, but we finally made it to our spot. We didn't have seats actually, we had tickets for the spots at the very front and close to the stage. You could literally touch Austin Mahone if he were to walk by. "This is the best day ever!"

"Excuse me... excuse me... excuse me..." I went on each time I had to walk in front of someone and move them out of the way so I could get to my spot.

Finally I got there, a little out of breath but I was still just as excited. "Can you believe it? I know I can't! This is just so amazing! Like AUSTIN MAHONE will be like two feet away from me in like ten minutes! Oh my god his voice is like a god. It's so beautiful like you can literally smell his voice and he--"

A hand covered my mouth, shutting me up, "You can literally smell his voice Tammy?" Taylor asked cocking her head to the side. Austin snickered as Josh tried to suppress a smile.

I nodded and removed her hand from my mouth, "Yeah of course!! Can't you?! His voice is so amazing and I'm just so excited for him to sing!"

I started to jump up since I couldn't hold my eagerness in anymore. Taylor shook her head at me. "You look like a obsessed fan girl that's on sugar."

"I am an obsessed fangirl on sugar!" I replied to her while the whole time my eyes were glued on the stage. The stage was spacious and you could see the drum sets at one side and the guitars. There were some people on stage, but they were the people who had to check if the mikes were working and all. They wouldn't want a malfunction in the middle of a concert.

"Oh god... you're going to probably going to climb over this rail and jump on him." Taylor said indicating this rail that came up to my shoulder that preventing me to get on the stage.

"Knowing her she probably will." Austin said.

I turned around, "Shut up." I then turned to Taylor, "Shut up." I was not that crazy as they said I was. Sure I was an epic fan but I wasn't someone who would be doing things like that. However, a small part of me was telling me to do exactly what Taylor said, I mean, I love Austin Mahone so much I would do something that would probably get me in big trouble.

Then the light started to dim and the crowd erupted into a scream. The stage lights turned on, flashing. The concert was starting. The band started to play What About Love.

"Oh my god!" I screamed, "Oh my god oh my god oh my god!" I finally get to see Austin Mahone perform, this is the best thing that has ever happened in my life! Other girls that were standing next to me were screaming also, I didn't mind since I was in the fandom too! I screamed along with them. "Taylor this is so amazing!!" I shouted at her and then shaking her sholders.

"Tammy, it's just Austin Mahone, calm down!" She shouted back over the the screams around us.

"Not just Austin Mahone! He is THE Austin Mahone! And oh my god this song is the best song in the world!!"

"I kn--"

"SHUSH!" I put my hands over her mouth to prevent her from talking and distracting me from the stage that Austin Mahone was about to step on in three seconds.

"Fangirls..." I think I heard Austin say to Josh who were standing behind us.

The screams in the stadium tripled as a figure stepped onto the stage. Austin. Freaking. Mahone. He was wearing his signature beanie with a red t-shirt and black jeans. All the stage lights were on him. He brought his micro phone to his perfect lips, "Hello NEW YORK CITY!!"

We, as in the rest of the 10,000 fans and I, erupted into an even loud scream. The walls of the stadium amplified our screams. "We love you Austin!!" Two girls that were standing to my right shouted to him. He apparently heard them and gave them a sexy wink. I swear, they fainted.

If he could hear them when it's this loud he could definitely hear me when it's silent.

"I-I I'm feeling your thunder! This storm's getting closer, this rain is like fire!" He sings and my heart melted, his voice sounds so mellifluous with the band in the back ground. This concert vibe was the best feeling in the world. "And my, my world's going under and I can't remember, the reason that you... got... off the line. You're moving on you say... here I stay I'll take this pain yeah I can't I cant."

"What about love! What about our promises!" I sang along with him. I put my hands to my face to find them wet. Oh jeez, I was crying. Talk about major fangirling!

The concert went on and I was screaming and jumping. Taylor had gotten the concert vibe too and started jumping and screaming also. Oh how I love that girl. Austin and Josh were standing behind up keeping a barrier between the other fan girls and us, they were silent, but I wouldn't know since I was screaming my head off. I love Austin Mahone so much!

Soon the air calmed down a little as Austin played Your Heart Is In My Hand on a white grand piano. He played the song beautifully and I could even see his hands run across those keys. That's how close we were.

Some where near the end he when he was transitioning chords to chords there were silent pauses. Or as I should call it "the-parts-where-I-can-scream-I-love-you-at-him" and that's exactly what I did. Two chords before the end of the song I screamed "I love you so much Austin!" into the silence.

Heads turned to look for the voice, including his. My eyes were wide as I realized how suckish of a plan that was.

Everyone's looking at you Tammy... oh shit.

Josh coughed behind me, I bet he was trying to stop himself from laughing. This all happened in two seconds, but all I can say is, this was most embarrassing two seconds of my life.

His eyes met mine from the stage and it seemed like realization struck him. He composed himself and played the last chord of the song. The crowd went berserk and my stunt was soon forgotten. "Man... why didn't I think of that?" one of the girls that yelled I love you to him at the beginning of the concert asked her friend.

"It's alright Bethany, she's probably a whore who wants attention... even from Austin Mahone." She replied back at her friend.

She giggle, "Why would Austin Mahone even pay attention to her? She's such a slut."

My blood boiled and my cheeks heated when I heard them talk about me like that. They've made assumptions and judged me on something that wasn't even true. For crying out loud I've never even had a boyfriend before because I was so... me.

I tried to focus my attention back to the stage, but my mind was still on those words: slut and whore. I've never been called that in my life... especially not from strangers. Those words struck me cold, they were so foreign. Why would the call me that? Oh right, because I had the guts to do something they couldn't.

I smirked a little at the last thought, but what they said still hurt.

"Hey... they're the only sluts here... have you seen their skirts? They're hiked up higher then Mount Everest." Taylor said trying to cheer me up. She must've heard what they said.

I chuckled a little, "Yup, pretty much."

"And you can just forget about them, they're losers." She says glancing at them. I smiled.

"You know I love you right?"


We turned our attentions back to the stage, we were no longer jumping and going crazy because after the first half an hour we were drained. Austin Mahone had finished yet another one of his songs. I mentally slapped myself for missing one of his songs. Then he said something that totally flabbergasted me.

"I love you too, to the girl who yell it to me." He was looking right at me as he said it. At this moment my legs felt like they weren't even there. I even stumbled a little because next think I know Josh and Austin were holding me upright.

"Oh my god..." I muttered in awe.

"Shit Tammy... he actually heard you." Austin said in disbelief as he kept me upright.

"Yeah..." I said in a shaky breath. I can't believe Austin Mahone actually addressed my comment.

"I just want to thank all my fans. You guys!! MAHOMIES are the best! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be here in New York City. This is a dream come true for me. Like I said, I love you! Every single one of you!" He blow kissed us and we went wild, but I was still shocked that he actually said that... To me.

He may just be doing that to be nice though. But he remembers me... He looked at me with a look like he remembered I was that girl that rambled to him. I think I'm dreaming... No. I'm awake.

The concert went on until he went through all his songs. He danced with most of his songs and all I can say is he's the best dancer in the world.

Sooner then I liked the concert ended. My heart was still pumping from the whole event. The smile couldn't leave my face.

The four of us made out ways out of the stadium. When we passed the girl Bethany and her friend Taylor gave them a saccharin smile, "Wouldn't pay attention to her my ass. He paid more attention to her then he will ever to you walking STDs." With that she flicked both of them off.

Their facial expressions looked utterly shocked, but then the other girl spoke up, "Bitch, what did you say?"

"Did you forget to bring your hearing aids or are you just thick headed? You heard what I said."

She looked at her friend Bethany then looked behind us at Austin and Josh, probably calculation what her move was. During the whole concert she's been casting "inconspicuous" looks at them.

"Whatever, you're just being rude. There's no need to be rude." She says flipping her hair and glancing at Austin and Josh who were paying no attention at all. They were playing Pokémon on one of the super old game boys. I guess they got bored at one point during the concert.

"Mhmmm, I guess yeah, but why would I do that when you weren't to begin with?" Taylor says cocking her head to the side.

Ok this isn't going to go well. "Tay, lets just go. They're not worth our time." I pulled her arm.

"She speaks! I thought she lost her voice after that scream." She gasped and batted her fake eyelashes.

I narrowed my eyes, "Please, shut the hell up." I was so done with her at this point.

"How about no? Austin FuckingSexy Mahone actually paid attention to you, aka bag of dirt. Who would actually pay attention to you? No boy would look at you twice. Austin felt pity for your ugly face." She says.

I took in a slow breath trying not to rip her face off for saying those things. This girl really wants to get herself killed. She sounded so jealous it's pathetic.

She continued when I didn't say anything, "like those two sexy guys standing behind your ugly ass, they would never even look at you or want to be anywhere near your ugly body."

She's said ugly three times and I've come to a conclusion that she lacks vocabulary.

And she's still talking, "like if they had to choose between me and you they would choose me in a heart beat."

I almost laughed but I kept a straight face. "Cocky much?" Taylor said with a smirk.

"Shut up blondie, you're ugly too." She says.

Taylor actually laughed, "Alright, ask them then." She challenged.

"Fine. Hey you guys!" She shouted at Austin and Josh. They looked up and she seductively wagged her finger at them to tell them to come over.

They looked at each other then at Taylor and I then at the girl. Austin shrugged and walked over. "Heyyyy sexy babe." He says giving her a wink.

She giggled disgustingly, "You're so sweet. Now I just want you to do me a favor."

"Anything for a beautiful girl." He says with a dashing smile. My eyes widen, was he actually falling for her charm? NO AUSTIN NO!

I command you to snap out of it, I used telepathy. It didn't work.

"Man whore" Josh coughed.

"This girl thinks she's better then me" uh, I didn't think I've ever uttered anything in those lines... "Now if you had to choose between us who would you choose? Her the conceited one or me?" She batted her eyelashes seductively at him.

"Hmm" he said looking at me and then her. I rolled my eyes when I saw the humor in his eyes.

"You know... You're pretty and all but I don't dig walking STDs that insult my friends." He then wrapped one arm around Taylor and another arm around mine and walked away from those gawking girls.

How could this day get even better? Going to an Austin Mahone concert and telling people off.

 And you thought I was lying that I wasn't going to post!!! 

Anyway we know that Austin MAHONE isn't at Madison square garden in real life but you have to realize this is a fan fiction and in my fan fiction Austin MAHONE is famous! More famous then one direction :0

Thank you for reading! That's all I have to say!



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